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~ OLYMPIC TRAILS LOT 47 1:?~a~ld TO DISTRICTS 33.3 SALE PRICE y_. File No. .d. 5ch. I Port PUD fPO I " 74 11272076 3' an 1 ad' t Uni Olyw!,l" T~ed.l" 2 40 3 H L .unP.!Vll 1'. rc. 1. on . 74 7..'/{, :t~'.9 Olympic Trails Properties etal 1f/ ~ 'HJ<I 3 17 N '- Y-Jl.j ? c/ i:?:3 ?) ,,',7 p,/ "/ .' piT 6'1 I i-ItJ4 .'1 1/7 U L-- I~t/ U7;P, 0 aJll .' lAAA:Jl-/i).,,;-,, ~ ::iC",,10) 71 77 {/ Ikl.... ..;r'"h; I ",'/t, 7S;;>6y' '0.", ~o 'lfs(J.. 4-0 7(,,5'1 ,&. /}, ./7 (I. --r.- , I/.:, K, ,.to { _""-!lOa / !:c~ , / () I I . 'I y,..1 0'.... . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyrler Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildin~l) VALUE 74 100% 1000 1000 g( )'......' .' . ~, .--, % (;( ( C 6cco LOT ILK. SEC. TWN, .".. LOT 47 OLYMPIC ~LL.~ -"-- .-.--- ,,- - .... - + .. ~ <,.... . - - . ~ - -.-. ,~ .;; .:;J "? 9'-V.2. . .