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~ · OL YMP I C TRA I LS LOT I 9 IUI~ I/1nAcTTc DISTRICT' ,,'-,?~ ~ R:j. Seh.IPortIPUD/--fPDi I I 74' ~~~~~?~ 3';'up..o.. &.,a. 81~H Union 9~i~ 'h.!>11~ 2 404 3 H L 74 ?1~'l({'3 Olympic Trails Properties etU "}x:'" './0'1 .5 /1 /J-- ;t NI2-f?-t/'l~,fJ;A '/)C' K./.'L '/) ~/I/ 0,1- ;2 '-' i-/ L Y;..[1'1/:///J7 1/,.11-7. -/?",1)A. !f1d Zfln1. '.11. (j &. .1//11:, < J, ~ . -%'" /L1'86o? l.c F ~I .~ 'e d (!'f9r~<w:-'-1 if/r3 <In u's 1/>. L'~tA"/' ri<-n. {/if.'i"5V / 7 I Ye"r ~ fil. No. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Impro....m.nts (Buildings) Oyst.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Improved 74 L~/ ?f: 100')(. 1000 . / rj () (, bO(1{) LOT SEC. BLK, TWN. 'GE. LOT 19 OLYMPIC ~!-!~.. ,., SA.lE PRICE .tt3 j:70/l ~.t~~n" '" Fez 5';,r /) . B. of E. VALUE 1000 .-~' , . / . fn fJ() l)