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"IK t:tl MERR I MOUNT ~-r;,fr:~ .;l- r:;z; n31 SlS'pf "I "JI _-5, Rd. DISTRICTS 35'0 Y... NAM SALE PRiCe Soh. Port PUO FPD 60 Clara Eastwood //LI..@~ 2 40, I b L -=/~7?;2- H. d~-a.ao. '.1.1 ~ )9/7 tJ; / /l, Yvln ", R "'-'d /, -H .l- !lM.. 1 L L - .if 74L/4-J?' -7AfDQ ~ / . ~fIi//4..-/u:, h (r- ,~ .~ .iJ ~c. 1+6765& q 4L fl J 00,,-, -%(, '15;{Of~ (JJ.J J/. ~ u &,. III ., :itc 9 V,;, ::UP ";;;I:>; '00 ""'''''' '~ 1./60/(,,[> tfMi2'(j a ~'YI 'pj!uywO:V,) f./" ~,. w~ ....!ii'fL - - - - - - - . . . " - - - - I-- - - - - - - . - - - I-- - - - - - - f--e . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Old,r Timber Unlm'Pro"~ Improvtd T01iAL Oyd., Timber Unimproved Improved ImElronm.nb 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 2i /;.'~ 0 /1/'5'0 ,2!j.. /dcfO iOoO - 11- ,;1d~ IJ ?{;'t) ;;'1",0 '.Ja. :::loot) /03~ .3oaf' '"- 26% ~t)o /~9o .37?~ . :if SJZ"i' /.5.3 ZP "..// ~~ 3/~5 /57tJ ~9S 7~ ~." 0 ~:ltC~ 3./4tJ : - u.. ~<O WS-CJ #- ! fj.;j "/0 ,;{OSOo gJ300 ~ 77 .3,f'cr:o JiPcf.3o .5 '1/.31, M 50 If,,: p" q:?"),:o (),9S3o I Ango ;0.. / 73~_1j 0 305'llo /..7</050 gS Cf\SOO ~O()c.lW IQ'SSw . lOT BlK. -< BEC. TWN. ROE. . ,l.'"......~ ' , -:A Sli }.Qt .6 Blk .2,.c.i: . ~ y;~:-: ::..- liT , ~._. .,;.-~.:_-~ Lot 6, Elk. 2 of Merrimount except the following portion: the NEly 30' and ex. also that portion lying SWly of a line runD1ng N 400 Wand S 400 E from a point on the working base line, as shown on plat, S 47004' W 130.21' from its intersection with the NEly line of Lot 6. . ---- .