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-rR ~ 7- fl, , CREFK PARK
Yllr File No. I~L , ~ I ~ 010 9.' TTO DISTRICTS 10 SALE PRICE
Rd. Soh. Port puo FPO
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54 "6134 1tobert A. Sloane Sewell,et ux l .M ~ ..l Ji_ L '!.L7~. ~
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Year 0..'" Timber UnlmprovMi lmpn)v~ TOTAL 0.,,", Timber Unimproved Improvtd Imorovemenu B. of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
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! The N! of the S! of the NWk of NWk, Section 25, Twp 20, Range 3, said
land being also known and described as Tract No. 39 of the unrecorded
plat of Mill Creek Park; excepting therefrom R/w for Shelton-Arcadia
County Road;
Also excepting therefrom the S. 200 ft. tpereof that lies E. of said
Shelton-Arcadia County Road;
Also excepting therefrom the S. 148! ft. thereof that lies W. of said
Shelton-Arcadia County Road; and also excepting therefrom the following
qescribed portion thereof, to-wit:
Lommencing at a point in center of the Shelton-Arcadia County Road,
as now established and in use through the Nb of the S~ of the NW~
of the NW!, said See, twp and range, which is 16! ft S. from the N line
of said tract of land;
Thence run VI. DRrallel with N. line cf said tract of land, 528 ft;
Thence S. paralled 'rlith ';'/. line of said tract of land, 165 ftj
Thence E., parallel with N. line of sRid tract of land, 528 ft, mil to
center line of said Shelton Arcadia doad;
Thence N. along center line of 3aid County rioad, 165 ft, mil to pt of bgn
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