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'/flu .- 71 7rt;" . ". ..q 0 o I DISTRICTS 1 ()
Year Fill No. /.. z: ~., . MEOfOjER. t t .. SALE PRICE
':)574'1k '?b J' ( . . o. I"ort PUD FPD I
<;2 1},08ql ..l!g lh.
w. S. Rawding et ux .l S l L
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.....52... 14636o Paul B. Dunbar et ux 1/' f ICii"'~~...,"}-u I L/:L .2.. .3.... .B.... L- bl ~CJ~L)'
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Year Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE.
(Buildings) VALUE
.''?J ,.? .3 CJ -2. 3/J 25 dtJd ~ ;2.5'r
~ If ~,3.0 ;)./~ ~ ~ 8'0 40S
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145d p- 51?
~tl Nt, Swf' Net, 4ying no. Mill Cr.
S z,Nt, ~e4' Ne.., lying "est Miller.
N.!' "'.J. S.J. N],
2, 2, W4, e~, east of Mill cr. rd.
Nt, ~t, Se;i, Nei, lying Neet Mill Cr.
Sec. 2')-20-'1 Desc. lrs. 57-56.
E~ Tracts 51-A, 51-Bj58-A & 58-B
,Iract I of S.P.#1214
AI I that ptn of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of SW NE & the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of SE NE
& the N 1/2 of S 1/2 of SW NE & the N 1/2 of the S 1/2 of the SE NE which lie Nly
of the Arcadia Rd & Wly of the cll of Mi II Creek, all in 25-20-3 W,W.M., in Mason
County, Wa.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the fol lowing descr tr:
COMMENCING at the NW corner of sd S 1/2 of N 1/2 of SW NE; th N 88027'07" E
along the N I ine of sd S 1/2 of N 1/2 of SW NE, 996.06'; th S 11048'37" W 49.68'
to the TPOB of th i s descr Tr.; th cant i nu i ng S I 1048' 37" W 480.41' +- to the N I y
right-of-way I ine of the Arcadia Co. Rd; th SEly along sd Nly right-of-way line
to the cll of Mi II Creek; th Nly a long sd cll of Mi II Creek to a pnt which bears
N 89050'29" E from the TPOB; th S 89050'29" W to the TPOB.
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