HomeMy WebLinkAbout320165100905 , DESCRIPTION: YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER " CONTRACT TD: lOT 72-D BlK SEC TWP RGE , DISTRICTS I 3~ I AFFIDAVIT , t-fii,"--- SC -_OJ PT UD FD ' HD ! CD ' SALES $ ! 1 309 S 3 5 L H """"I PLAT OAKLAND BEACH # ACREAGE li,1&OI/I"I4Ct 11()~"kf - - - ---- - --- ~-- - -----"- 52 137466 Harold L. Kennedv.et ux - -2'41734'CP- . 61 186970 ,Harold L & Caroline 241734 , Caroline C. Kennedy . Kennedy I t1k mJ I , _.~.---_. -- - - I ---- -- --~. , -+ ----t- -----t-- ACREAGE ;E~~_TlDELAN!>_-,-u_tlIMPRDVED 52 ! I ~ I 66 i I ::}- 74 ! ----->--- ---- 76 i I ~f ! --;--- {; <( ! __L IMPRDVED TOTAL , 'IAlUATlON ------ B OF E TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 20 20 25,r. 25 25 50 50 5~ 100 100 10~ 200 200 200 200 ~oo .:<CJO "''''',''1 ~" - ! - I I' I , - ! I ---+---..-+---- --, -----L--J.._ - .......... -- Beginning at the NW corner of Tract 31; thence Sly along W line to NE corner of tract 30; thence W along N line of tract 30 to NW corner thereof; thence Sly along W line to NE corner of Tract 29; thence W1y along N line and N line extended of tract 29, 250'. more of less, to intersection of W line of tract 25 extended N1y; thence following the extended line in N1y direction to the N line of tract 72; thence fol1owing N line E1y, 300' to a point which would intersect the W line of tract 31; thence S to I.P.