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"29 ,. OAK PARK NO. 2 ""IlIII Y.., File No. () I ~NTRACT TO DISTRICTS /..?,;., SALE PRICE Rd. 5ch. 1 PGrt PUD fPD I I 30! I 72 223937 Oak Park Ine 1 S 3 5 L H .~ !hi. H'I'537 1., ~;'--li.' ;:;:"',&t &<4 L.4... ~/, ""p 67,,9' b",~ ..I' Sh" I grU);J ;L/~ ~.du-, 7hq 3tAqS~ ZV:tU!i ~ OJ (;-~. ' ~~, Jr.>, ""6.y-?7/ "'" !IJL 13U1'f'C 11"f':.t#'.d7 fl. tIJ, . t.' ,#"J" ,/, ) 35lJ ? j) , -9$",:"4.:(7-< (IV " . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeaf Oyster TImber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL Oyst.r TImber Unlmprov.d Improyed Imr:o....m.nta D. of E. ( ulldinql) VAlUe l-jg 15C>O /6?rCJ I~ #a;!O% 3(!JO-c7 3oc>c'J' I Jl , - ; , - - :',F, ~. . J "-,'- -'--" , c- 0_- ~-' 21 7~ScJ t, ~- /-.17.5() -<,' tJo 1s>1 '7.;)5' 0 1,,4 JoO I.. (.,:,sn LOT ILK, SEC. TWN, RGE. 29 OAK PARK NO. 2 :.;;J h ,. ' .. . -, . '. ,.. - " ~ . . ~ ~ . -