HomeMy WebLinkAbout319015000901 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT OYSTER BAY FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS (Unrecorded) LOT Tr. I-B BUI ifF ACREAGE ~/l51.alQloI910Iil SEC TWP RGE ____.1 OISTRICTS jJ/~ AFFIOAVIT CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UO FD HO CO SALES $ et I x(Jovce) I rvJO #69083 Ti dd 3 309 " 4 I f. - ~I I ..3 0'1 ..3 L/ L J.j YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER =c~-1iScT.:2.?;;v i~,~ 8/80 379146 Darre IlL. i _ . ~ -l-__~___.___+- -i---~ +_ -----1- i I I . -, " -, I I I I , ACREAGE 'IALUATlON YEAR I TIDELAND 77 .h.... _.!/ I. ,. .N !!5 UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL J.h.d I. (" I- /.~<1 J.&d 1,1.'1 //'/0 //70 /05'"00 a~S""1/6"5~g- 75'00 17 ~oo ;.?S'ooo 7500 . ::z51O/) t,4>l~O /.r:,-L_ ----t--- ~ ...' : --_.~--~~,_:-:j_.i"~"_' (Tract C of S.P.#924 A.F.#381373) That part of Tr I of Oyster Bay Fruit & Garden Trs. unrecorded 1-19-3 W,W.M., lying Sly of County Rd known as Lynch Rd descr as fol lows: BEGINNING at a pnt on the Eline of sd Tract, 300.00' N of its SE corner; th S 00i9'42" E along sd Eline 300.00' to sd SE corner; th N 57031 '54" W 360' +- to the SEly margin of sd County Rd; th NEly along sd margin 260' +- to a pnt which bears N 54019'42" W 203' +- from the POS; th S 54019'42" E 203' +- to the POS. '~