HomeMy WebLinkAbout319015000004 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT OYSTER BAY FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS <Unrecorded) LOT Tr. 2-B BLK 4/= ACREAGE I ~/T9r~IJ ~rl...I.,TJichA SEC TWP RGE - - . -- ,... ~..- --'- --~.,----- DISTRICTS /flS'" AFFIOAVIT YEAR AUD, TITlE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ ___n__.___._____,__ - t- _.-- #69082 I ISl ro 8L8D~37.9J .45- I1nnrt lei M. Tinn , ,09 , 4 I H jf~;i'2fCl;<Ljp~ a Jd.J JttrL r..e., ) 30'1 ,,,? . cH- 75',"0" 01 I "" L d (jJ~~ - " , v m" L_____ ---. . , -. n_ I , .. i i .. -- +- --- ! i I - '" i ' , i I I ---- . I i I , . ACREAGE VALUATION -. B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 ..dC4 /.,;2 Co -, /,~ 7t:,O 70tJ _ff.L (/ 9-<~o 9~.sb ---- g'l t.::!:" I, .:<,{. 57 i;;- 57U;' , - -+--- I . - .-- - . . .-.-~,-,-'-' 0'.-' .;.:..~ ,~' ~J (Tract C of S.P.#922 The S 1/2 of W 1/2 of 1-19-3 W,W.M. A.F.#381371) Tract 2 of Oyster Bay Fruit & Garden Trs. unrecorded, ... DESCRIPTION: PLAT OYSTER BAY FRUIT & GARDEN TRACfsCUnrecordedi LOT Tr. 4 BLK 4/= ACREAGE : ~~JJaa:~ SEC TWP RGE YEAR AUO. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 1- RD DISTRICTS 1 "f,S- SC i PT 'UD FO' HD CD' \ AFFIDAVIT SALES $ ---.. ----------- 70878'-- 52_____ ?J~1L_ James Haines, et ux 65 209494, Alice Edna Haines ;/i~-CF2M~r4-fDou~las R. Haines et ux 8n7 :~~~760 L _. __ I t:J{)iJ Charles N. ----- -l- I 3 309 3 4 L fj{ I ..3 0"1 ..3 <j L l-t - 138881 Buser :I Jr )( ) w.o:p: .- . ---._--+-~-- i ~-=+ , ~_._--- ---+- l___ j - $,0 :z . , 6.J'0 . 1ALUATION ----.-....- 8 OF E IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 5.02 20 20 -, 14.54 55 55 - 140 140 5.02 60 60 25% 75 75 50% 1380 1380 I 100% 3010 3010 3270 3270 -.5, O?- /f,-09o l5"o9?) 5.02- 15a 90 /5'(7'10 ACREAGE !EAR _I TIDELAND , 52 ' .~ 52 ' 14.54 :: l~ 5.02 66 I - --~ --.- -1---_. 70 I I 74 I I 76 I s?/ i 8'0/ PNIMPROVED , 5~Q~_ ----;- I I r-- ..5,0 :l.. ===t-----.- - O_,~-~-<r - .:' . "-' '~"'-' ,-,"': >._~.~ . ',' <-';,_~.J '-', ;,;;o.-~~:- ~~^ '"~ TR. 4 Oyster Bay Fruit and Garden of unrecorded plat of Subdivision of Nt of N.E. t of Sec. I, Twp. 19 North Range 3 West and being the East half of the SE of NWt of NE t of Sec. Twp. 19 North Range 3, West W.M. cont. 5 acres more or less. TR. 5 Oyster Bay Fruit & Garden Tracts, of unrecorded plat of Subdivision of Nt of NE t of Section 1, Twp. 19 N., Rge. 3 W., and being the West half of swt and the West t of the East t of swt of NEt of NEt of Section I, Twp. 19 North, Range 3 West of Willamette Meridian, containing 7t acres more or less, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging.