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~ :" MAGGIE LAKE ADO #3 1 V..r FII. No. 13 L.. ----.ruElIJ1'Vt ~~ 0131 ~I, T CTTO DISTRICTS :; b...,: SALE PRICE' IUI71 Rd. -~'.':.r" PUD FPD - --6l. L Preslev Gj ll-Trllst,ee 2- --2Q....T.. l L- 9, ;:t lyaYI /" r .0, fI.. 12. ..A-- - - - - - /h-?",- ~j .!J o..s'J ~ nP_ ~ .h. f}" " .b. 4 'J " " - - - - ~ (,,{i ~~;2/t.. ,I(). n()~ .r-:l tt-i/ tl" /J .rw- ;2 ;;U, :L ~ ,%... l ~l~dl ,2 A / .iT;; :':' d.. z0J 1. ..,,2 --'- L- # y I7JJ-;(~ '. ""'J7,/.3o 7~1 ;f- JPbiL?<,_ ~/A I&; - - - - I"hq J463Ji6 ;>tJt>D I U{)3 ---r .3 g L r-f gt !l:ft I LL _h. JL .h'3. ...L ..L - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -I ... -- - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oysler Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh B.ofE. (BuIldings) VALUE It ./a! & ,/dI c> --- ~~ /.:25 /a2S_ -- ~t - /,/:.5' /7f' . ~ .5a'?riP 5:5 () 3t:;O 44 ( M; '70 -1'?l:0 7e1a Zk 7pt? ~ ~ ~.c- ..:z9~ 70 lOve Ci-d-./o 3d,/o .z:L 11...1)0 .3 ~ (J) fRilil . '\ 7f Co /t1 iM olD? I () (V/il n .L/S 00 7$.<..0 '.20.2..0 .2:L ~s1!~,-, /.--- 3tJ"CJ 1S-",() /o5~o , LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. RGE. ...~.. 3 _, ..~.:f~~.~~j)#3 .Co ~-;; )...:,'--,-_':'"...:..::; ~, Lot 8-A: Beginning at the intersection of Belfair Court and the line between Lots 7 & 8; thence Ely along the Sly margin of said Begfair Court 12'; thence SWly to the most Wly corner of said Lot 8; thence NEly along the line between said Lots 7 & 8 to loP. "(g(" -G '-fn,/c;. 3 S=-r<.:-/';3 ~~ .?3'z-o",,-.---:- .