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) =5 MAGGIE LAKE ADO #3 V..r Fill No. 1~lu .JA~'y I ""310 I. , I let"TRACT TO DISTRICTS :! t, 0 SALE PRICe Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO 61 L Preslev Gill-Trustee 2 2J; T 1 L 61 ';i' <?>> ~';".4 - - ~ ;J;:,/77f-.3C. /'t./ :;;,,''72</ d",TT1I. - 0. O. / h.', if .. - - - - 1.5- ~j/l-tJb f -d "l& ~_ -,~ 15 , -/:. 'Ix tJi) dL 2Q :L 3 L- 1-1 tt, I .;( ,20 L .d... .L L II feb <2- 1-03 .I... 2) g l- II SI , zM.. --; ~ )? L.. 1-/ y1 .L !ill. L ...L L .t--_ iL JJL3.. - - - - - - - - - - -- ( - - - - - - - - - - - I . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyste, Timber Unimproved 1 Improv~ TOTAL Oy,t.r Tlmb.r I Unimproved Improved Improvemlnh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE I~ //<<J ,,/g ~ --- $% /-f/t1 /.y~ -. /75' /.7E 2.P.. .n'l" .3StJ .3.00 2i -@ 760 700 ;7~ /;:;l()O /;;;i.CiC 71 /~~O /t.6t'J 7/ Co /o/(j() /<>20<\ t" 3600 3000 LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. RGE. <. "~~'.,,3 /' .i -. . - ,,,.:-a:...~1'm 11 ..-~ '- h ,'.'. j~~~.-~-~~~;'-:<w"'"' - - r ..".~;:.:,