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Vu, File No. 131""'W II "'€l/l ol~I~~~RACTTO MAGGIE LAKE ADD #2 DISTRICTS ;<" tJ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRice .;);: 3 /, 61 L Presley Gill, Trustee 2 20 T [>; -/.L b. lV. -.t ,M , ." /J .?ft.!l Jtj"NlvL c~'" (lYat; ,tlA.-ij i -;:u ,L 3..11 L~ ~-" I3sob3op.a, (, _(}1YI, ~ 2... .)03 T "3 g L 'II ~,.tL.. 'V I-'- 'l7:? BS/('t'? iu_ <t/.:Z AP ,,proD (f(/ln!J I;' d""C "~ ~ ~i-L....s:.~ L-~ 7;-gsll/ Ji08~;I I/A~ T " L L I"" Vi' -.l :""~ /cGu"3 99..f hfjo7//loso7 r,..; ="'9y 150:? ~s /7 4i '7' z.-/? :3 ", ~.. lOCO -I- --I- -1--- . '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ve.r Oy.t.r Timber Unlmprov.d Imprond TOTAL Oydlr Timber UnImproved Imprond Improvements (Building.) B.ofE. VALUE U i~ iL i2. ~ ~ 2!/- 7{. 71 :ft g). Co 1..2 () /02 () / ,;( " J .~ (2) .;? 50 /SL7 /~tJ 3/<1 ~ J ffeJ ~ db 9"S-o 77LJ /:1..),0 ~5o /e).;2~ /"70 900 ";2,41033 'fej };;l co ?,L/f.:,O LJt,c,(J /~,c'o 73l/C 99"-0 /~t:>t:' 3~C;O d'C;C; .::(/l,., 0 9-:53,.,- /~ JS" ;;z~ b()~ ,6} fro % LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RaE. 22 3 MAGG IE.. LAKE: Atl)ITIOli'* a~ . ' ,~' ... . f , ,^ , ,/ \ '\ '. j '~ /-'-/ 9 r'r: '- K 't /' ' '" ~7 -<--. '- "'" _r~-. '"C. ~ a... . [.'_ ~..e,te.r b . "''(-de u