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I ,if, MAG~IE LA KE ADD #1 13t '1;lt~1 OIO(g& 'I f I DISTRICTS ~00 y.., Fila No. TRACT TO SALE PRICS Rd. 8c', Port PUD FPD 60 L Presley Gill, Trustee 2 20 T 3 L ""'- Iln'.} ~<:,.R-/.. oF- /6/.;C.,3 ~ 6~s. -6L ~.o.~ ',121 ~. =/7S;:>;:, 6C! - .,...",.. I~/'), b: ;l cr' (/ 2- "J() --r d.. lx L.. ~. . :24;;7. W. ,~f' n7,,,~ 0 ) v 1/ 2~ 1,,"7"~/' 0_ /}, ,) A").AJ. :/.1 , 177:',""';; ~ ~ -; .3 K. L A % ~ 9;Uf/! l~ 1JJ"d) / / Jos P4-<6'1'-/ 8/ .L -r ..E:. L L H %1 ",;;17-5"0;7 Af1.-Y/.>?c:.v JL. ~-uJnU;c ,--t,f() { \ ;2"" Jo. -# ~ '7.s-f/..3 $" ~oorJ Wb IJ rJ !~ .!iJJ.3.. W- L .L. .JL I,.} , -L ..L ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oyde, Timber Unlmprovild Improved TOTAL Olde, Timber UnImproved Imprond Improvements B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE k 110 II tJ K ~5% /fltp /7"t:J - Jf- e:? .::J,;J .2 t7 cJ ~ ..,~.%' lj c; tJ -Y /j /J # /tJ:7cJfi'J 6100 .~ .2IP.. /du{) /;)(;0 2'i I(,~() /4,(}() '74 (-1i /'! .I;) OCJ /~/"'!(') '. "-" , 2..2: ..,?'ooo ..sOcX) LOT BlK. SEe, TWN. RaE. # .l.__,_.,~ '.,' -ir-:i 11 4 MAGGIE IJ,.KE ADDIT ION , ,'J:-j;J - ---