HomeMy WebLinkAbout322365000010 .... DESCRIPTION: LOT:.9(E 35'},&TL ""'Ill PLAT LITTLE PARIS BLK 10-13 &TL :;# ACREAGE J.31~.3101~~old 1/101 SEC TWP RGE "\ - " , ").)?'l> \ DISTRICTS...3S' 0 AffiDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD fD HD CD SALES $ ~ - 52 113582 Harold R. Cain, et u; 2 10 1 L i .f~r5{0l. 65 I Neva Cain '7~ 2 404 1. L ,;'. '; - ~ . . IH I "" , <10'/ I r. L -J --~ I -~---j J . : . - ! "---.---- ---+ . I - I . --t -- - . i I . I - .' I : I I . , - - ACREAGE 'IALUATION ~- B Of E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL K5 13t7S-o Il'n?_'"I() 120-=/.;'\71 .- _. - - I j ~-- I .. - .. . " , . . - ~ ~ All that ptn of G::>vt Lt 2, 36-22-3W.W.M., daf: (Per Survey Vol. 8, pg 153) BEginning at the meander corner to fractional Sections 35 & 36, sd twnshp & rge; th S 00042'00''E 397.72' alg the W line of sd Section 36; th N 43043'00"E 603.40' to TPOB; th N 43043'00"E 83.82'; th S 46017'OO"E 400'; th N 43043'00"E 150'; th N460 17'OO"W 770.70'; th S 43013'16"W 237.09'; th S 47003'39"E 205.77'; th S 45036'03"E 132.28'; th S 50006'32''E 30.69' + - to sd TPOB; AISO all that ptn of G::>vt Lt 2 36-22-3W.W.M., which lies NWly of the first above described tr of land and between the SWly line of the first above described tr of land extended to the NWly line of sd Govt Lt 2, and the NEly line of the first above described tr of land extended to the' NWly line of sd G::>vt Lt 2. AISO all tidelands of the 2nd cl fonrerlyowned by State of Washington, as defined by Section I, Chapter 36 of the Session Laws of 1911, situate ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described uplands; EXCEPrING from all the above described uplands and tidelands the right-Of-way for PSH#l4 (Navy Yard Highway) as the sane is now constructed and in use over and across said lands. T, In_l~ t T. T ~ . 'T~~P n.nT~ , - .........--- ---- Vear FII. No. 1 ACT TO DISTRICTS -< '0 SALE PRICS 'I"W Ij Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ----- 52 /13 fifJ.. Hl;lrold R. Cain et ux 2 lC ], L - - - 6f' :70%7(7 11-/4- ./ (!~ ?0i??J d1 ~ 1 ~ L - l- s/ / '10<1 e.!- Co L H - - - - - ~ - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~,----------------------------------------------------------------------~--------:~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved I,mp""m,"" I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .K'? .3/ .31 3M I /3.;1.0 /ff _L!V~' ..\-:3 , ,1- ,,3<J. It? 300 /I~o /41-u '73 13& 13(0 L/o /;;<00 1/30 ;{3/'0 52 I. 3(; 1/ .3 fa -.2f? ,;zfoo //80 /3~7o 1.11 .-=-., .;</loo //.;3 cJ ~%So 61 ..:L. of't?() /~o {} dtJJl:) i.t;. 2J:;--fk, 3CtfJt') /6/p 5//ttJ /,,1 .~&fr'J '//L //J ~j/,() ~ -;;: .. 5~() f3JS3l. :;ll !J(c)l 0 '1.:l ~iJ ~D /S$5,fJ I~Ll /fJJrJr9G ~r;J ~i7 80'10.0 77 If;} ()b6 .Rto,r:;- SfJ?,O( . 'h .., c , oF j/, _.f.(~;1'..; /. / -- _1_--- ,~ - I LOT BlK. g SEC. TWN. RGE. LITTLE PARIS .... Tr.1O-13 &. ,T.L. ~ NEt Tr. 9 & all Trs. 10-13 & a tract 400' by 150' lying adjacent to and SEly of SEly line of Trs 11-13: Betinning at meander corner to fractional sections 36 & 35; th S 0 42' E 397.72'; th N 43 43' E 612.22' to point of beginning; th N 43 43' E 75'; th S 46 17' E 400'; th N 4343' E 150'; th N ~6 17' W 697', more or less, to Sly R/W line of Navy Yard Highway; th following along said highway R/W in a SWly direction 225', more or less, to a point thereon which is N 46 17' W 297', more or less, from I.P.; th S 46 17' E 297', more or less, to I. P. Also: All that portion of Govt Lot 2, 36-aa-3 which lies NWly of NWly R/W line of Navy Yard Highway and between the SWly line of above described tract to NWly line of Govt Lot 2, and NEly line of above described tract extended to NWly line of Govt Lot 2. e ..- . e-- ~ // /" ...... 1/.../.a - - J - T T'M r1:' Year File No. I I 'NIMEI, O+ER' I I I I cotTRACT TO DISTRICTS zs-o SALE PRIC~ Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO iSl ..L '-10,/ I {, L H - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ._---~---~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Ur.lmproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VAL.UE , , - LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. AGE. LITTLE PARIS Trs. 14-49, Incl. (Assessed with Pebble Beach Park) ./ ~/;7-o011 -