HomeMy WebLinkAbout322365000007 ~ESCRIPTION: PLAT LOT BLK .... Tr 7-8 & w IS . Tr 9 & T / L LITTLE PARIS # , :RE~~ _13(D!"I~Oldol~ldI71 S.J?""''';1;;-~ TWP RGE -_. - '-~-~. DISTRICTS ~ ';-0 AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO. ~,TJIL~jlOLOER '^'. rod CDNTRACT TD: RD SC PT UD FD HO CO SALES S --~- 137.0 I 52 , 98800 , Jom M. H02a11 et we 2 10 1 L 59 . 291975 n. J ;)/j ''1./. 2 404 1 .6 L . 'I. ~( ..f~~6 - - . - I 3"',~,:"1 'rV '^ 2. .::J: r ~ -, I W-' $' /05000 D L 7 'ito "J 00 (') . 1'0 31 gj2L!'(/377S '7 ~C A, , / #' / (#EL&w'L) I I H'- L. ;.f.:l.!H1" p~ ~" E7:aXSI I <{o,-/ (" --+- ~ I --_~~t= , ---t , I I -. i- .--.. - .-- - . , i I I , , I , ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL .80 .80 7750 4530 12280 July B E #384 4625 3880 8505 4625 3880 8505 9250 7760 17010 ~5 LITTLE PARIS Tr. 7-8 & T.L. & W! Tr. 9 & T.L. ~ 1lr'/_7~ (Tract B of Short Plat #696) AI I that ptn of Gpvt Lt 2, 36-22-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the meander corner t9 fractional Sections 35 & 36; th.S 00 42' E 397.72"; th N 430 43' 'E 487.22' to POB; th N 430 43' E 125' tap;'-th IN 460 17' W 297' i-- to the SElyr/w line of SR-106 (Navy Ya'rd Highway);'th co'ntinuing algsd r/w"ine;in q SWly direction 125' +- tap thereon which is/N 460 1'7' W 275.57' +- from~POa/th S 460 17' E '275.57' +- to POB; EXCEPT I NG therefrom road 'r I ghts-of:'way; sd I and a'l so known arid \. . ~,~, described as Trs 7, 8 &-SWly 1/2 of Tr 9 of unrecorded plat of Little Paris, a S/O of a ptn of Govt Lts I & 2, 36-22':3W:W.M. ALSO all that .ptn'of sd Govt Lt 2, 36-22-3W.W.M. which.lie~ NWly of the NWly r/-w I ine of S~_106, (Navy\ Yard Hig~way)-and, betweent.he'SWly II'ne of th!l_above-------- descr).bed tr of land e.xtended~NWly to fhe NWly/1 ine of sd Gbvt Lt...2 and the NEly , --- ~ ~ '. ~ - I rne of the above described tr extended NW'ly to the NWly I ine of sd Govt Lt 2; ALSO al I tidelands of the 2nd cl formerly owned by the STate of Washington as defined by Section I, Chapter 36 of the Session Laws of 191 I, ifo, adj to or abutt upon the within described upland. Parcel l;All that ptn of Covt Lt 2 36-22-3W.W.H., daf: CorrIrencing at the rreander =rner to fractional Sections 35 & 36; th S 00042' OO"E 397.72'; th N 43043' OO"E 487.22' to TPOB; th N 43043'00"E 116.18'; th N 50"06'32"W 30.69'; th N 45036'03"W 132.28'; th N 47003' 39"W 125' + - to the SEly r/w line of SR-I06 (Navy Yard Hiwy) th =ntinuing alg sd r/w line in a SWly direction 110.90' + - tap thereon which is N 46017'00"W 275.57' + - from TPOB; th S 46017'00"E 275.57' + - to TPOB; EXCEPrING therefrom road rights-of-way; Parcel 2: All that ptn of Covt Lt 2 36-22-3W.W.11., lying NWly of the NWly r/w line of SR-I06 (Navy Yard Hwy) daf: O:mmencing at the rreander corner to fractional Sections 35 & 36-sd twnshp & rge; th S 00042'00"E 397.72'; th N 43043'00"E 487.22'; th N 46017' OO"W 330' + - to the NWly r/w line of SR-I06 (Navy Yard Hway) and TPOB; th NEly alg sd MVly r/w line to the NWly boundary of Neva Cain Hunter per SC#l5025 Mason (bunty; th N 47003' 39"W alg sd NWly boundary line to the N line of sd Covt Lot 2; th SWly alg sd N line tap which bears N 46017' OO"E to TPOB; EXCEPTING therefrom the SWly 50' thereof.