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'I'r -6 SEOfR/1~ I LITTLE PARIS ~.I-! ,76dt. . K
V..r FII' No. t. f 01". t/) '''IJ2jTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..E <;,0 I SALE PRICE'
Rd. Soh. Porl PUD FPD I #16914
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61 ~'''H'- Herman Snider et ux J.M.Hogan 2 404 1 r:: L J2500
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Vtl, Oylt.r Tlmb.' Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenh B. of E. I
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Trs. 5-6 SE of R/W & T/L LITTLE PARIS ~
(Now Tract A of Short Plat #696)
AI I of the fol lowing described real property lying SEly of the Sly r/w line
of Navy Yard Highway (also known as State Highway #14); which is a ptn of
Govt Lt 2, 36-22-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the meander corner to fractional
Sections 35 & 36, sd twnshp & rge; th S 00 42' E alg the line between Sections
35 & 36, 397.72'; th N 430 43' E 387.22' to POB; th N 430 43' E 100'; th N 460
17' W 275.57' +- to the SEly r/w I ine of Navy Yard Highway; th fol lowing sd
highway r/w in a SWly direction 102.84' +- tap which is N 460 17' W 251.57'
+- from POB; th S 460 17' E251.57' +- to POB; sd land being also known and
described as Trs. #5 & 6 of unrecorded plat of Little Paris a SID of ptn of
Govt Lts I & 2, 36-22-3W.W.M.
Parcel 2: (See Revised Short Plat #696)
The SWly 50' of that ptn of Cbvt Lt 2, 36-22-3W.W.M., lying NWly of the NWly r/w
line of SR-106 (Navy Yard Highway_ daf:
O::>rrunencing at the meander COIner to fractional Sections 35 & 36, sd twnshp & rge;
th S 000 42' 00" E 397.72'; th N 43043'00" E 487.22'; th N 46017'00"W 330' + -
to the NWly r/w line of SR-106 (Navy Yard Hiway) and the TPOB; th NEly alg sd
.el\tly r/w line to the-m'l1y boUl1.darj of l<eva''-:'c;n HUI1.ter.per SC#1502S Hason Co.', .-
th N 47003 I 39"W alg sd NWl Y botmdaIy line to the N line of sd (',ovt Lt 2; th
SWly alg sd N line tap which bears N 46017'OO"W fran TPOB; th S 46017'OO"E to
TPOB; ALSO ALL TIDElANL6 of the 2nd cl formerly owned by State of Washington ifo
adj to and abutting upon the within described upland; EXCEPI'ING from all the
foregoing described upland and tidelands, the r/w for SR-106 (Navy Yard Hiway) .
;4>0 N.379. 1(,. 9 Ja.-P: ~ ti4~
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