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,. DESCRIPTlDN: GREAT BEND WATERFRONT TRACTS c'_' ACREAGE [jc~ 1.21.710 iSi 01 V ~To t51~1 ~ .--- - - L ".--... - ~--- I r- DISTRICTS ~er 1~;;1 :;64;;;=' J:~:O:.E~~:k~t ~ CO~T~CT TO: _ _ h:r ~C3 : :0 :0 :0 CO P~1-fqfd.~f.1 &dd 7-/u:"/j!, . ..B~I <./(,"<, IT ,-') R hi 3/. _ //..j 7';; , '1/, {it 'V' f2S~iZ1.:{d....l~~__~.. ~ pc IC~~ L, ~< __ 8);h 3j$1-/.35 I_~~ e.t~ m~__.J ( .....--- "~' ;-~ I ___"_____ _ ,____.__ __::.....,.,..:.--_ ______._____. PLAT lOT Tr. B-3 # SEC TWP _ _-1-______ __+---_ -- . : =t - - -- . --------t-- ----- -.....t-------- , , I i ~-- ----j.----------.-+. ACREAGE I I YEAR i ...TIDELAND ---j ....-'lNIMPROVED _~ _IMPROVED 74 I I ~7.Z::--~- __I__~. -Zit---- -~f- c . TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED 10010 to L _ __. _~_. -- .~-4~= I . - - -: . - .c__ --- !----.r--- i I--~-l--==-=t-==--.---. I , I --j---- ,- ____I _ c. uJ____ __ == I I _.____u..J. .----1 -- ;;"J:_~ ._. ',_,''''~_'~_ _r......~~..;.< - '.. .c '.... _ " , 'C " - .<. .,~~, BlK RGE AFFIDAVit SAlES $ L #28844 L- ~4-# .f :2/ ~~~~~/ .~._,.-~"'"'.._. That portion of Tract B lying between the extended Fast and West line of Tract 32, Block 3 oiii: "''''''''~--...:.......r-:'< h_ ,_.,....,.. -"...- -~....... ~~-. -~"'-'-~ .~