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29 1 ~, .71 (, '7L4ctJ 10 dc~ ZME3.ALD LAt~ # 3 Y.a, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 191 SALE PRICE Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD 1..f!.Q... , ,- 'j~1 .39.f1/() "" :<~.3g'y ~653 71- Fairview Estates et al 1 02 S 3 5 L H 1':::~~),...~6 It; 'tv 7J '0' ')))4 . ,J7J~ IUS,6'S.s".;>':J/";J 11 .11:5$1.S- - - - -' '--go' J../, ~\ ' ,~ ~~ -- I . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeaf Oyder Timber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL I Oyster limbe, Unlmproyed Improved Ilmpl'ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildin9s) VALUE ~ L _ /750 /7"'>", "11/ Ih...2' 3.5otJ .:2 11 () 37%0 71' 3/0 tJ :; '1 () 'Y'/Z() '78 .-::?Cf /J/J L-,:Jo '-f...5';;J.() IR" /- ..::-,,'" /0(')(') '72,-"n LOT alK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Lot 29 Ere rald Lake If 3 ! , .' - --- . . '" f- H i/D 17 ~,r . c' i.- (,:,9:-1' ( .