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10 131.:z1I 121.4ls1.zlololo II tol El-ERALD LAKE # 3 9/ {,<; Yeor File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS l'il SALE PRICE Rd. 5ch. I Port PUD !-Ef.Q.. I /.:L/91 39.1 //0 ~_7(,. ~3 Ci0 -- ,;h ,77'1:1,;1.::2. Fairview Estates et al 1 02 '" 3 5 L H ....8>04"/.6-" .:.up ,.,.(S",..~ Ifl;/. ;;;iI~ q)" J f! /;1 ~A P}-w-I> r;/. 3.3.233 .:.'/G70 - - r-- - - - ,9.."if 7/333 /-%0 .sss .3:;0 ~-"-4 ;;,{. i./~/ ~ (1..1 \;:U $SOO() W~ %s 1J1.c'. ef"# iJ. , u ~ ;/ .}4., LA rlT , I "n., ~./ 95-.2,'/'''f1,l/ (/ I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1.:2 ~~.2 -< // .7S 73 137~ /3 7$"' 7If I~",t, .27-5'"0 .;77$0 . /(, J 75;/) ./-;ScJ 7k d 7c; LJ ~75() ~I 3S"'oo /~mo 1.!5'OD g3 '700 0 ddOOO LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Lot 10 ""merald Lake If 3 ---- ------ -------------- -- .. . , ~ - -- -- -- --- .. --------- - --- ----- ~ . - .-----,- _._~