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'111 '311 9Ioit.{!51st'olol tI drl FAWN LAKE #6 Vellf FiI. NQ. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 10d DISTRICTS / i/~- SALE PRICE ISch. IPort 'PUD I FPO I 1 69 Freeland-Lorentz Inc. .(l Wy~, 3 09 3 4 L H I'~-- ~ ~ b t'l ,.,f/ A ." I) , ~$V6"> ~411 9/6 k.t ) kA , -t9- A7 '" 1. " // )?I I ~q .3 4 Z lu F /.5--:J;{3 h'1 [j'-9'/sL 7; '.cJ. / J-/,';uj/ $ ,/ d niB I "" If I. 7 ;J;. ~~ J ,;;r:J, .) nO " n 1/80 137.25'72 '0.& T/ 1m- .}:, <,L' . /, ) $I;>..v.:' (,{; fstJ ~ 1373335 UJ., IJ/:. crY!. .. ~-f".L/ I I'lli. e. ) '3 S <..1""\;) -.~ ----- . I . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear 1 Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy,t., TImber Unimproved Impro....d ImPfovements B. of E. (BuHdings) VALUE I/.,9 yq,r: (7 ~f)\ 1'7,z'> 51 % /7tJ(}) /":7r',1.1~ 71 - /7S'tl //~'" :?;l /75"0 ~7 -5:0 74) // afl7.t ,:::;{ L;2Jd> :? !;;"fY@ ;'17 ::1(,.00 21_ no g/ Lf5Do ~9:>O 14- L.j 5'OD ~5()o LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. OSE. Tract 111 FAWN LAY.E DIV. #6 .~ ., . ~ . -'--;.'-'-- "'~p (1l 1-'''(fnJ; ~P<7:?Y ? r''''c1?!?- 7?/ ..!-r . .