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8" 'IT!T ~ \0 11{6~;'1 01010 wlst FAWN lAKE 116 Year AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd DISTRICTS /'-A<:. SALE PRICE 5ch. I Pori I PUO I FPD I 6q Freeland-Lorentz Inc. 3 30S 3 14 L H 1"- >/ /'f(s= ..M J), ,h~) :ir u.- 3/"'0, /, '1, ~ (~a ) b. c..--h/ ),d xl I !<r\g ~ 'i L +J a .u. ~ '- -" . . NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA nONS Year Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improy.ments B. of E. (Bulldings) VALUE .t,q 7G'o 7Ji"'- .,..; , 7P /st'J~ /s~o 7/ 1550 IS.s:w 7~ /$"$0 'P 7.1.f, ItJ .ra 3#.00 3/&@ '71 d-.II () () ?/../')o ~I L" 42; 0 ,;,u..) gtj '"i'soo "1'.5'00 lOT 'LXo SEC. TWN. RGE. Tract .85 FAI'iN LAKE DIV. #6 , --------- . . - - - - -- .. , . .. '. - '-""""::.~- - , , ,'.."," w. _.~ _>_'~~,.. -c-' - ,'.'-,-