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... ' ' ' "~ d'., Tract 81 ., .) i il 'I H... 'f.,;; ,,j , vi G," 1C>, , i FAWN LAKE #4 DISTRICTS /4S Vea, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. Po" PUD FPD 67 Freeland-Lorentz Inc. h 110' 1 L H fa? IJ,? Oil I t/- ' - J't>P? .:ti/trl ~. ::J':?...2::J9 -:J:'~ A;;' n' , R /U #_ .v, 1+-.../ ~I \ It'J'l (S (, tJ U1'l + /~~l J / / ~ ------- I I -.- I -.- NUMBER OF ACRES LI VALUATIONS Yeor Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....ments I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /;,~ ~ 700 ./ /J/? 70 ~ /LL",CJ /4CJO ,/: v/", 7/ /5'.5"0 /S'S-o 17; /4fCJ/J /4LCJO 174 <n> % 12 A"/J!"J .;:2Rt?O 171 ')/ ~ i/' (}O g} 14-sx:> sex) ~I/ 1500 fSt;O , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN, RGE. Tract 81 FAWN V. 114 ... " 1.'-_" -,~,."'" ..~.-~~,.. . ~ ._...'.;.,1;'-....:'.,;..;.-..<..- '~... .. _ __,,-,,,"".. .