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"'Tract 38 Year fll. No. NAME of OWNER FAWN LAKE #4 1311 17'lol<{T~f3lololo I~ 19' "'I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / Rd. Sch. Port PUD I FPD 67 Freeland-Lorentz Inc. /;y //'19. 6311-/q 15/;q3b03t1'7 Z3 :IJ#" 0. fA.. f. /, J '~l ' 11 130' ,J", 1i./~ ',;/ ih-,J', J ~} /;, riI jJi['v.- Ai'-. ,iJ", (m,IL ,>>~) .~ I ff'f / r--.- Year Oyder I TImber t~ 7ll 7/ 7::. '}t, 1 ~I gl/ lOT BLK. SEC. TWN, ....Tract 38 NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved Improved RGE. TOTAL H 0,",,, Timber --:;:7 5(1'}'';! ~o- % . FAWN <LAl\lil J)IV. lilt. ~'.... .. -,....- -.;..~~.-.;.:.:..._"",,-'~-,," SALE PRICE h L H "'" <I / ~J9"o,;'"Of'if'jL 1FS.6S3b ~<) Y L1H VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved f{ (),(P /LA~ ..:;).111'>,>;) /7S-~ _. 1.,/ ,^ 145(7) L/ ~- 00 .--' Improvements I (Buildin~s) B. of E. VALUE J?tJ/'iJ /~ ~Ojj) / .3$'tN!> .J (_ 1"\" if 5?Y1j -<,/SOO .0;"