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.. Tract 3 ~ II i '1lrl i tj,513 101"0 ~f ~Gl , AWN LAKE #4 DISTRICTS /;".'.5 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. PO" PUD FPD 3 I -, 67 Freeland-Lorenta anc. 3 30c L H fr v// 17)7.1- IlJ " I. ""/dl~ 7.!l , 'I- J?~/1. ~1il,fb~- //"'M' //.JA. _ ~ .i,,, 1 l=a 0 14 L. 11-1 - c90-3~ II v '~I 5/1:;. 2/./I,I/)/ .jJ .,1 l/ "1fJ! j .., JI-Lflb/ I' (\...., .1. , ){/, , 'JJ...1 '.11 r J ,1 1.1'" 73 ?t;o S)n 3~///O ..... If? _~^ ,"~ ,u , .-----?-.,.... ~! I I I -.- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster I TImber UnlmproYed I Improved TOTAL I Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE iJ8 /.::? 7.5 I- /_~ 75" 70 ~ f7d)i 2,-;;-~ ::J. ~.c-o '11 4qt)tJ *l'P .t) 70ilJ 39.;l6' ~q~A> 1A) /" lz-% 7FW '7 fl 4tP 77 s'X~o '1'X9/) xl 1(' 1....'tD 1/51nYIl fiI /91:.00 1((&.00 LOT BLK. ! SEC. TWN. RGE. i , I J:',AW . J)~V -" /14- ~,."," _.";'~ .\, ~act 3 " .- ,/