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1.0 '3" I "I' 0 I '-\.1 sf.;2' 01 01 0 1 t,ll 0 I, FAWN LAKE #3 1~4 15 DISTRICTS /<IS Ye.,r FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd, 5ch. PO" PUDf .- 67 Freeland-Lorentz, Inc. :3 09 :3 4 L H -#=- I h? W #.dd ~ - :''':3::?/'''l.:{ (. 1hL 31:< ,'flll 71 -II If. .1:1/, 'k , ,l 5?1 I .~ k3 IlJ L 14 7::;-~ ~ r - . T-' NUMBER OF ACRES U V ALUA liONS Yea, Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL -.J Oyster Timber Unimpro....d I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE b) J a=:;- /~ i~J /~ /r, a 75' '?t; ~ ~ ~s;-o ;RS'Cr!J 7/ .:::?L. CP(fJ ,3t,oo 7:- ,~ ~ ~ :14' v,," I~ /.._- ,{, t1Jlf}1f) 7? 19".f{1/') <'/'?ot) 7~ 1"':<'0"-' .:J<l ~oo ,:<gl. i'J 0 11 S3CM c:<.r~:;-o g cJ $' ,:n:J (I' /P350 33:<tJ6 'i 3 56'0 'It! 12. 75'0 ::?'l"""" .J/5'95'0 lOT 8LK. SEC. TWN. RGE. Lot 40 FAWN ;..;:3 .C , . ' , , .- - - ~ - -- - - -.".- --...- . - - -- -- ~'..:-'",