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F85 11111'tlo~L.{'st( ~D~O~O',~b1 Year File No. NAME of OWNER FAWN LAKE #2 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Sch. Port PUD I FPD f,f, Edwin Tavlor \A~ I, )0' I h1 j. ,Q. f' M' ,- _> 6'7' iY, -j;,. ,,0_ f rl- g,f!. .. 7;, -XII .W (PIn 3'11/;;';;2 L\ '. .J. J). - () . -,-t-L j. Cih'i 3s /:2/3 (1. ..Ii. j//u. 7A'. 'JL t1 I q/7g l35/,2 /6 I"' c-:-;." (. ;:) ') ~ -1, Year I Oyster I t~ 1/, 7/ 170' ,1. 1'1 ~\ '!'1 NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved LOT BlK. SEC. TWN, RGE. Tract 115 .... ~-~c..' " v b'7,";',,/ f:z.. 9rc, , I I . TOTAL H 0",,, Timber c5r~ ~n1. F ,._It,,A){~J.~ 3 ',L H 14 -3 4 LII-i VALUATIONS Unimproved Improved 750 /.J () " .:1'/ (10 /7~() 35tb~ 12[,. I? 0 S/..)O L/ 500 ","", .-c.", _, lL..~ I SALE PRICE -- ; liP G,~oa ,6'/;;1 0 , P'.5Y'?tJ0 '11",,,,;.:>'9707 Improvements I (BlIildlngs) 8. of E. VALUE ?'~rJ / .5(Jt~ .:z. /(tJ I? /7~t;) 3b(/)q )(,/)0 ~() t./SOO :- .....~~- -.-- ,. /-