HomeMy WebLinkAbout323095109900 r DESCRIPTION: PLAI_CQLQNLSURF ilL lOT 43-A BlK 9 , # ACREAGE 1f1.213Iol~l51 110191910101 SEC TWP RGE - , DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UO fO HD CO SALES $ Dlsmm ion f.3dD , 11/81 397521 Mason Co. Fire Protec I 404 I 17 H L #76278 ------r- ---+-~. ,- .. , J . , I - , , t- o -.f -+- -- - - . 1 -- I , I , - -<-- . ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON , B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED . BUILDING TOTAL S/ ,- /dO,-;J /~ i- t ~ q >\/" 5R' ) , I , - , 'I Beginning at intersection of Starl ight Blvd and Tiki Joy Plaza as recorded in Colony Surf #2 Vol. 6 of Plats, pg 108; th S\1ly an azimuth 2700 50' 18" W 254.22' on c/I of roadway Tiki Joy Plaza, th 30' N 18050' 18" to Point A. From Point A pre-ceed 60' 180 50' 18" to point B; th 100' 71009' 42" E to Point C; th 60' S 1610 09' 42" E to Point 0; th 100' S 278050' 18" \1 to starting Point A.