HomeMy WebLinkAbout322245000088 r DESCRIPTION: PLAT CADY'S SUNRISE BEACH lOTTr.C-D & T.L., BlK E-l EX 0-1 SEC TWP RGE # ACREAGE r-l1~~ISia~ -. ~ I - J DISTRICTS ~ t'ic, AfFIDAVIT'lF YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UO FD HD CO SAlES $ 52 1105987 Wal ter Lorig et ux 2 f03 T 3 8 H L CfJ;,( 35/.597 tp. - lJJ a/Pl-- "31 II -r -0 .L< ""7".:; '9Sj/,f 11~ g H 1"$-"'00 "/0':' I~I 3f6! 7/ J!L . / J./ du.<-{.IJilfM"o,-.,. ALl "~7~~.s;O"2 it! r,!.;:l1d-/7 ;:4. c: l,hI (};,,_ 71 ;'19 ~"" ~ J'7";4;l? ..." W/ () ('"" '3 ,,"?-...-) . I -- -- -~ I " / ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E VEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 73 I 10000 4830 14830 74 ~..tlZ. _.;1 "-"0'0 _?4.c~ _.:l'ZC:.klJ_ "?A. 4- ~ -s- 75.. .;2o@tI)Q 9~b .29/...l.ll 7.!i" C .~ -0 _ 7(h J /~'7SlJ ~-o/,)u... 3S-d..S7i 71 I,7Mo 33.>-S-5" /4l' d'..2.5$: 1C1 J- tf tJDfJ / rfl-r 0 <. 1;29J 5;2- /.<. S'Sao ..3~7oo 162./0C , That portion of Tract E lying N of following line extended: Beginning at a point at right angles to botmdary between Tracts D & E and 12' S 8055' W of intersection of said boundary line with Ely line of c01.ffity road and running thence S 890 51'36" E 144.20' to a point at right angles to said bo1.ffidary and N 8055' E 10' of inter- section of said boundary with shore line of Hood Canal. .dv I<JO/": ,.....s,~.s'--,~. 4<."-"-'" E-!:J J....p.l c. ...... /.I.l ~-.j v'.., ~~.... S-'1-~# W cL-LA.<..JI ~'... _ ',~ 7<-S 77-7,9 ...s~~Q ~5-~ ~5-~