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... l3lil L\Ter, 1516101ollll~IOI ~" BEACON POINT DIV. H 1 'C DISTRICTS , , - Y... FIl. No. NAME 0' OWNER CONTRACT TO, - ( ~'o , SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. IPort :PUD 1...fe!U I ~ Ruth C. Smith W. B. KMgRt 2 l,.01, 3 L H 1631-21 1/7.. .... /i 7i , .1- <.-_ _ "'-;(&:<66 " ;Phrt. ~C,)3qL. f-L. . , 7/.,.J &. ,. " ,. 3f;n :/UI4.'" v":;" . Ii. . .J.- '&...l.A~; ~ 11.. '. a, .{ " ., " "'0<" 1,'1 L T 7J' .;l. /7 I-f %.r 35aaJ 7 71'u.;., fz-1k..tk,~~.l. 21 / 'lOl/ k3 17 I.... H ~I :?fc2.3O-'/ 1000 ~j;ll /t.~h eA .r@ :1-:2" ,,,,< r = ,.. "^A ,ef.~ ,;~ P / . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmpro.,1ld Improved ImP'"Cl".ments B. of E. (8ulldin91) VALUE /..t:} ., ~- dl. 5?J 't/J .soi: Si!>O .500 -71 ~. - .3.7 5'0 ~ (I,.., :Z1a3o ::U.. .3" 7# 1r..2 .<1(' ~ LO 16;1. t.D ~;. 5/}E:~ 5'"'2. -rlf) ~I LI" '" 0 '7 c'l,-~O 0f 7000 71,:)(;) 1'I7t:Jc) g5' P/Jt,'; /r l<.r) (;)3/0(") LOT BU{. See. TWN. R"E. / Tract 50 BEACON POINT DIV. #ltu . . - - - -- ~. ~"'" .~ ---~'. -~~.:....- . ~. - - .. . . - . ._-,...-..