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PLAT BLUE HERON CONIXMINIUM # I!.I~ b..131~ 1~1.'l-:1'-t 181 QI Q I",' T YEAR AUD, CONTRACT Hi: TITLE HOLDER ~QL7S~-305"691 The Krusz Co.. I-c. ___.1Ailnln ,,11 Independence Mortl'al" Trust !/2~:< ctf~() j)~ZfJu,,-t;1A1I~ ~kr _/i70'J3~_2-:3..g_.Le~_~.t--~L~, ~l-i-'l~/1.2L~t""",~a'~I,J-" IL".--m , 1 .t------- .~.-.:-l I -------+_ ____ ___.l- "__ j --------1- _. __ ____L___ ACREAGE -Y~RJ TIDELAND ' I -~ -ill i4==------ - -- I -----r--- -- ------ ~-----+--_. -- -- -- - 1 _u ____ UNIMPROVED --,--- I 1 ! IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND ~ t. i ,-" i - I --- ------- --I---'-- 1/6 Int. Und.Int. LOT Unit 4-8 BLK Ph. 1 in Common Areas & Facilities SEC TWP RGE ..."'T '- DISTRICTS ~~ <;;; AFflDAVIl SC PT UD FD' HD CD SALES $ RD 2 404 AI I ;JM UNIMPROVED '/ALUATloN 1 6 " I In H T, /....... "'5:::. ~-fo/e-$'$ ~.......J:>!.~..J~ ";?, >;f-6",,,[I.. . C)$'" " 77d';>'( /;1:7 Sod w.o : , B OF E TOTAL IMPROVED BUILDING .' I..?L/ L' 0 0 I~, "'''--'0() --' . .-./ -