HomeMy WebLinkAbout324235002020 , DESCRIPTION: PLAT ALLIE AHL'S SUMMER HOME TRACTS ACREAGE I?, h.141z.hTsi~1.ili.l.ill 4F YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER --- ~ CF 13487 , l......A'\ 5/79 361362 ' Hama Hama Coml=any U~Ov --+ ~.s:i-ff'1?fD i0a-'~'J 1....ifH 4/>1/"- .J-UrWM'~) _ =-1 ~ i ~..+-- -4-= -, r- CONTRACT TO: i _1 ACREAGE 2 31 I lOT 14-A & 15-A SEC TWP RD DISTRICTS :3 ~ SC I PT UD FD HD CD 404 'fa</- 3 17 H :I. f7/-1- .sZ- .32- TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING 'fAlUATION YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL If) 2.Lt---- ~ 'l~ $2--- 0;..... - -1----- . M> .!U;bD I !SO!')!') ?fcoO J?MtJ 1000 Joe; u BlK 2 RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES $ B OF E TOTAL 5~ gO/'")O 9'cx:> () 9'000 '~-r' ,"" j .,; ". T~e NWly 200' of the fol lowing wi tli"'the.J:!.t!.1 y 1 i ne thereof: ----- That ptn of Govt ..LT-s,.....s_'2.~ti on 24N, Rg 3 W.W.M., daf: '""-. described property as measured from and par.a~ 23 and of Govt L t I ,~e9-i-c:J1'i'-~'~ I I in -- ---- Beginning at a point on the S I in~.Q.f'sd-Sect_i..Qn 23, S 880 06' 51" E 1954.95' from the SW corner there~_t'Pr-S-250 01' 16" E tl6~0;;'.!0 the Govt meander line; th alg sd line N ~s.:I-'-U6" E 107.63'; th N 270 01' 16"-W-~~.51' +- to the Sly margin of PS~.-rh SWly alg sd margin 90' +- tap which bears f\l'2-5"-...QI' 16" W from EPSr1'11 S 250 0 I' 16" E 417.58' +- to POB; sd I and be i ng a I so known-and des'1:fjbed as Tract 14, Blk 2, All ie'Ahls Summer Home trs. ~-' (Now Tract I of Short Plat #954) That ptn of Govt Lt 3, 23-24-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at a p~int on the S I ine of sd Section 23, S 880 06' 51" E 1954.95' from the SW corner thereof; th N 250 01' 16" W to the Sly margin of PSH #6; th NEly alg sd margin 180'; th S 270 01' 16" E 200'; th SWly parallel to sd margin tap which bears S 250 01' 16" E from peB; sd land being also known and described as the NWly 200' of Lts 14 & 15, Blk 2, AI I ie Ahl 's Summer Home Trs, as measured from and paral lei to the NWly I ine of sd lots. 1~ .;)1-/1./ /9o~