HomeMy WebLinkAbout324235002014 .. 12-B & 1/18 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ALLIE AHL I S SUMMER HOME TRACTS lOT BlK 2 Int .12-A & 991 EX & Tax 991-B 4F -y-'. 0' I z. olLl<l1 ACREAGE r 3 T ir"lzI3l.s- io SEC TWP RGE ~ " I ' j OISTRICTS 33 AFFIDAVIT # YEAR AUD. ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SALES $ 8/72 {f2 71843 Hal Ralph O~ lFl5350 Berry et u 2 3 H L $6037 ;i./-;2 343/6 I v,>~ . ltift//.., /; " d,7~ ).. '10 3 n M L! '0.", ,.rO-7/:<0' {./ :.i_ 7"'.....u %"1 ~3/X.3-6Q ,F;?AA '711 .a , . Ic._ u , . .... ;e,!. " .tJ_ ...., " tr gl I ~ 3 11 1-1- L- , ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 74 , 6500 6500 ?h t.S~Q ~$'~ 91 lit.. 1; 00 / /.. .5 00 -- M J9~.:;tJ Jq"....-'" ,- j --~;;:.,-- ".~~_:~~..:"';>.:i 'if' , ~ . --",--", ~'~.'<"'- ,'"". -- . d. "-.'--"",,,y~-~.._.-.-.,_., - 12-B Beginning at the NW corner of Section 26, Township 24, Range 3; thence along the W line of Section 26 on an azimuth of 1053'01" (referred to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone) 183.81' to the meander corner COmmon to Sections 26 & 27, said town- ship and range; thence along the meander line on an azimuth of 267004'5", 932.74', on an azimuth of 276036'41", 722.99' and on an azimuth of 258031'30" 172'.'70' to LP.; thence on an azimuth of 302012'18",335.62'; thence on an azimuth of 227038'16",40'; thence on an azimuth of 122005'48", 306.50' to meander line; thence on an azimuth of 157058'44", 206.04'; thence on an azimuth of 74056'01", 48.42'; thence on an azimuth of 339040'51",201.93' to LP. 12-A Beginning at the NW corner of section 26; thence along the line between sections 26 & 27, on an azimuth of 1053~01", (referred to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System South Zone) 183.81' to the meander corner common to sections 26 & 27; thence along the meander line on an azimuth of 267004'05" 932.74'; thence continuing along meander line on an azimuth of 276036'41" 722.20' to an intersection with the W line extended of Tract 11, Block 2, Allie Ahl's Summer Home Tracts (unrecorded), established in accordance with Shain and Walker survey by decree of the Superior Court of the State of Washington entered Septem- ber 21, 1946, in Superior Court, Mason County Case No. 4467, said point of intersection having a Y coordinate of 818, 805.26' and an X coordinate of 1,374, 561.24', referred to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System; thenceoontinuing along meander line on an azimuth of 276036'41",0.79'; thence continuing along meander line on an azimuth of 258031'30",227.69' to I.P.; thence on an azimuth of 302005'48",306.50'; thence on an azimuth of 227038'16", 52.58'; thence on an azimuth of 117013'28", 75', more or less, to a point of intersection with the line between headlands as established by aforementioned Superior Court decree; thence on an a.zimuth of 113012'47", 241.38', more or less, to an intersection with meander line; thence on an azimuth of 157058'44" along E line of Tract 12, Block 2, Allie Ahl's Summer Home Tracts (unrecorded) a distance of 206.69'; thence on an azimuth of 74056'01", 10.07'; thence on an azimuth of 337058'44", a distance of 206.04', more or less, to an intersection with the meander line and I.P. - ,--."