HomeMy WebLinkAbout324235002013 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ALLIE AHL'S SUMMER HOME TRACTS 7."8 lOT IIi ~. l~12D BlK .z T~1 Ri. 91 - 4F ACREAGE I; I; I I! - SEC TWP RGE 3 2.. 'I 1'2-13 !> I 0 I 0 12 10 Ii 1.3 I - --~.~_.~"---' .""- - - . DISTRICTS 333 AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD- SC I PT UD FD HD CD' SALES $ ------- -------- ----------- f.,,5 ,7J 0 '7/ t,. Rfl. P. .pJ- ~ V ..;l. ":/IJ-'-/- 3 II t... 1/zlj~1j, :!_1'L lId fl. r"",fJ JJ . /J ~ ~ ~f'oo ;;>... '104 3 17 H- L ".bs: '.~ oa f&.37S117tffi. AviV itI. L~f1 J..j1~t.1u ~(, ~ i ~ *'6''''''/9 ] I 7' Ll I '100../ '" 17 J-I.. , . ---~- -.---- - .._~_.- -.----.- L - , , ui i .- ---- , - - ____00- I -,. , , - , - I , ---- -- -- , , ------ - . ACREAGE 'IALUATlON 'YEAR I - --0r- B OF E TIDELAND i~P:OVED _ IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL , ~ - '/0'0 /ifdO ~f-- i . .o;"'O~" S'IH - /.250rJ /.2"'00 .M.. ---.- /~ 5"0') J':>StJO ! - , ., I ---t- -1- , I - I ...- ; I.--t------ +- ~ .,:S."'~ ~ -,' .~~ ~'" -..." --...."-'--..::....., ~h~ .....;.,,.;,' .... '.,- .. . :;-~,,_..-...._"'" Parce I I Those ptns of G.L.3, Section 23 & G.L. I, Section 26, Twn 24, Rng 3 W,W.M.: BEGINNING at the NW corner of sd 26; th along the line between Sec 26 & 27 on an azimuth of 1053'01" (referred to the Washington St Plane Coordinate System, South Zone) 183.81' to the meander corner common th fractional Sections 26 & 27; th along the Government meander I ine on an azimuth of 267004'05", 932.74'; th continuing along sd meander 1 ine on an azimuth of 276036'41" 722.20' to an intersection with the W line extended of Tr 1 I, BI 2, Allie Ahl 's Summer Home Tracts (unrecorded), establ ished in accordance with Shain & Walker survey by decree of the Superior Court of State of Wash, entered Sept. 21,1946 in Superior Crt, Mason Co. Case #4467, sd point of inter- section having a Y coordinate of 818,805.26 & an X coordinate of 1,374.561.24', referred to the sd Washington St Plane Coordinate System; th continuing along sd meander I ine on an azimuth of 276036'41", 0.79'; th continuing along sd meander line on an azimuth of 258031 '30", 117.70' to an intersection with the West I ine extended of Tract 12, sd BI 2, AI I ie Ahl 's Summer Home Tracts (unrecorded); thence on an azimuth of 161027'22" along sd W I ine of Tract 12 283.00' to the TPOB; th coninuing on an azimuth of 161027'22" along sd W line, 85.00'; th on an azimuth of 254056'01", 96.52' to an intersection with the Eline of sd Tract 12; th on an azimuth of 3370 58'44" along sd Eline of Tract 12, 85.47'; th on an azimuth of 74056'01", 101.72' to an intersection with the W I ine of sd Tr 12 & the TPOB. Parcel 2 Those prtns of G.L.3, 23, & G.L.I Section 26, Twn 24, Rng 3, W.W.M.; BEGINNING at the NW corner of sd Section; th along the I ine between Scts 26 & 27 on an azimuth of 1053'01" (referred to the Washington State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone) 183.81' to the meander corner common to fractional Sections 26 & 27; th along the Government meander I ine on an azimuth of 267004'05", 932.74'; th continuing along sd meander I ine on an azimuth of 276036'41", 722.20' to an intersection with the W I ine extended of Tr I I, BI 2, AI I ie Ahl 's Summer Home Tracts (unrecorded), establ i- shed in accordance with Shain & Walker Survey by decree of the Superior Crt of State of Wash, entered Setp. 21, 1946 i- Superior. F-A<:., ~rI