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.. 1031"\1/1 !r')'tfICnlOIOIOl/ bl.3~LDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #11 Vear File ND. NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS "'j ~ ~ Rd. ISch. IPort IPUDIFPD I I J 204 316LH -*' x> & <7 91, I fo< 3 t, L- Ii ofJ,I!., z/:' ill. .A w"'" W' (2 ". .j), 'I < >I <, .' Fo r r: PI tu.re JP T,(,l4 t. ~"'~ f)j, ,,'n. 'Ill. '1. ,-/;,-;., .J-. ~6e;1 .11 .,) 317"U'O ~ V ,.0 &. CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 69 ~ 7i-> 17/ 75(,,6'15 317'13 , 1/10 371$ 60 UI.u.f.L.u. 7Il. (1 L , '1hD J71Jt,/~ l'.6 " 1/ /~-' *,Z//J~z. Alderbrook Dev. Inc. /=. ;;? /9"70/ ....;.:7)""6 ..",. --"'.......,as .- -.I,;?:,^. '.. #6:2.;;2.09 ~ '<7.3'/"bf'/.?.r II~ "';'''~'' '1136 ""~5;Z"~, 4,1 lJ i?~2?"" /J;''''?, v.., I 0,.... . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improyed ImPfo....m.nh B. of E. IBuildlm~11 VALUE 9.50 9" ~" 3d!; / q (j(i / 'I CJI OJ ';;StJ,(J .,.25oelJ 1,,/7- ,.<;"0..,1>' ."}"'/)/10 S()I1'l> S~tHY _.~::J ,"]0C ,,,,""..:'''1'' /"J ';;'9cJCJI) C)..'/Oc/() It? 1'10 1/ 17,1./ I~ ~l 151< LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RSE. Tract 103 ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #11 I'ca 'f)