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,. L""lI2JI II"J(fJrrlf\II:'\IAhlll?,ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. fill " 13 Veef File No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 35"- SALE PRICE MMC 0 Rd. Sch. IPort IPUD I FPD I I I 69 ti.arl.aln ka. 2 04 3 6 L H /.'tJ1 f'I~ l --._- Alderbrook Dey. Inc. Ii\. DJ,n I 3 G N ".,. ~ ~.J. ;:4- J).;o .d:, O. j 'i'''':'i;~?S'j' /1/71 :33;:J.a~ ./H / .~ Jf..;::,~~~/ 3/s0 ?1420ft Ztf7Af. . lJ/ OJ. '" _A -f-.// hlj, t- A, V) ,0,:-.; 7 '1';q. 3/s0 7142;.<; u v ,..,-".l! ~ (JrJ,'od: .-J j /PJ ) J ~ ..s::~7,,/~'i (/ . , NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS 't."r Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. O,der TImber Unimpro....d Imprond Impt'o....m.nh 8. of E. IBuildinql) VALUE Itr X'SO }/Stp 7/'l 5()~ 17~o / 7(}o 171 J 7SC> /750 17JJ -..,,'7. =?~ 00 .35(')0 77 3S~ .:J 5<<1 e, / ';}O(}J /S-oOQ 1% I J~ IJI) () /~() LOT BU<, SEC. TWN, RSE. Tract 13 ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #11 .. ----- --- - . -. - ,.. , "'- I " ,". -- "--- ...._<J