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,.. 12 1.,,1'11 1^ldJr..II'\I~11 .-"" /0(\1" , rl "" COT nlll fll t Yeor File No. MM..' CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS "",,"<: SALE PRICE Rd. ISc:.h. IPort IPUDIFPD I 69 lJiAlnr1alrtl Ina_ 2 40, 316 L H .-- Alderbrook Dey. Inc. 51! I I%~ .~ G., t N 7F- bi , ~, ~,j L1 1~;,?1JI Tf" g;'1/tJ.~9 JJ //1 rD., /, fe-r. If -;:;!' :-. " ...;/ l!:,? V/ /jJ~ &w 0 .-,1 J,- ~..L. d -""" if1q ;;? &:~,,~ /II"., L L /1;"y .fl.." :/ ....JU #&/~o , , v t . I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur Oyster Tlmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved I Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1// f1L~O 3'5t!J 7~ SbPA / 7tJO / 700 7/ /750 /7$'o 7J/ ,~~'?' ,'=?.(""/M 3500 'l1? 35(70 3SbtJ '6\ /5'000 J :CoD ot'J 1~5 '),/VI/) .;J./ot() LOT BU<, SEC. TWN, RGE. Tract 12 ALDERBROOK GOLF &. YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #11 - - -- - - - - - - - - _..- ~- .. I . , . .-c. ,-. -. .