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34 IJ.l2.L 1i1ltllt=JIQl2iQ.I/"1I2.kIIALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #10 Y.., FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I DISTIlICTS _ ~ ~ c:; SALE JlRICE ...fu!:..J~IPortIPUDI~ I 69 TRSSFJ.hl Ina. 2 04 3 6 L H I Will (/1 n__ Alr1,,' n..v. In,,_ '61 ~ L II t//g() 131.5;?jQ 1tJMJ!", 7J7 0..t2 - .fL (:u .) I' ;:~ <<>7,,,,,/ ..1 #.1 37.?/(J,t v v J... '''r/tfu/ -r. /1'\ /J " $// ,,~-#6 7",,'i!J" C( - Y.., I O,d., . ~ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Tlmber Unimproved Improved Ilrntwovements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE J.'j 500 500 1() ~~ / t>t:J 0 /OeJO 17'1 'AlI~ d2. qndl .:2 tJao In ~1"'1't:J ~ O(}!J (;1 1/ 1J/1 () II ()()() IRS I/~ooo / ~ooo . , LOT BU<, SEC. TWN, RGE. Tract 34 ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST., DIV. #19 -- -- - .!~ '4.~';".__.. . ,'<- --~~ _-0- .--- -