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16 ~BI l'rC)~>(If')If)~1 '~DERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #9 Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS . ~ -" SALE PRICE Rd. 'Sc.h. i Port 'PUD I FPO I I 69 m.t_\.._p' '["'1" I~LJ' 2 40~ ~ 6 L HI Idq 3 I.f --- .,.._- no.._ T__ "8'1 I ro L rF- 7:i d~ l"d ;r: 7f 0 ~f<s'c{<CJ';?o l :{ );7 , '1'~v t' f- -#S/+'/i" ~;, .:?8j ~ '2U - A ---C;:::/f J C'fi} /._ f.1d t /2) l;'..,.'.;"'''''"''' l__ <fDS o/R t> "lStJJ'<I J If f] - M-d. 1/ "7l , - II- ~~. Is.T"9"""O "-< ') .;) t:7/1tJ h I~A 3,?S3/.? ~~_...L/" /7 -7::J9 -"- "55ot::> -..: 7/;>01> UJL:I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster nmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unlmpro....d Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE L9 Z<'/J 75:0 7A ~% /S:;o /S-oo "11 /7So /7~c) It.! I. 3J -~-~^" 3SOiiJ '711 ~san, ~<:;""d(j N .;: / (loa ,':I.')O{) fr, --.- 629000 LOT BU(_ SEC. TWN_ RSE. Tract 16 ALDERBROOK GOLF 8< YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #9 - - .--- ---. -- . - . . . . '" . --- -- --./"- . -c.- o. . , -