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'30 1~1'? 1\ IOL Lt::;;lrr\ln()Ii!)I,~UoERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. OIV. #7 Vear RI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I DISTOICTS 35:, SALE PRICE Rd. ISch. IPort IPUD I FPD 1---'_1 69 Alderbrook Dev. Inc. ~. 2 /.,OJ, 1 h L H ~ -61- ffla.1J".7f: I o_ f /f0B..? :llj$O %" tj'l6.:!f.3 7/ .!: )1J, ~S/J?L.J t<.y (1'>4.<",", V'1\~." I"l- Idt :3 '" ( f.I #'13/SS 'ficL1 " () '- . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL :J Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE It? 7t1() 7AIJ I ?'t:? .50% / ~cJ" J YOllJ 17/ /750 /7$0 I~ "A'Z 351M .3 S; <1m 72 -, =?C)6() , '1/ .3~oo .3~()() 5J1) d c:l9~t11J LOT BLK. SEC. lWN. 0"'- Tract 30 ALDERBROOK GOLf ~ YACHT CLUa EST. DIV. #7 ------ .n n -----_._~ -- -- . - ~ .a.. _.....L -,,"'"I'. ~,;~