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11 111()1u.I~nl()11 lII)!l rJ-'-FRBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. 117 .~-). ') Y.., File No. NAt.tEor.... '"~JI. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS. ""'ll ..., SALE PRICE Rd. ISch. IPort IPUD I FPO I_ I 69 Alderbrook Dev. Inc. 2 L.0 , 6 L H ... -J;; I ~j}A ... /~i66' '-'L ~ 1c h ft 7'1;., .",; . ~ ~s? , '1.</.00' 7 /'1 ;s-~s .JZ/r;fI '" .. (f..- ..I, ~. . ~~ -"".j1::?~7 ,I 'l';; 3574;U ILl II N II If I L/{)l :s (, L-- f.J r.A, = ./~~ -. '0 . - .,,,, -0' , . . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r TImber Untmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyd.r TImber Unimproved Improved ImPf'o'l'emenb I B. of E. IBulldlnql1 VALUE /,1 7/)/J ?AlJ '7/J1 50% /,y()O / '1i1 0 11 ;"'7~o / /C> i::J . ""1.1/ ~.....~ 3.~;)o =<'<' ('It!!> 717 :;>5'M 3S~ PI $00 3s()~ % ;;;q tel ,;;) 9//1 11 LOT BlK. SEC. lWN. OG" Tract 11 ALD2l8RUOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB EST. DIV. #? - .~ .. - ~ ~ u /L .......-. .l_",,- ... .... ._--~~""'- --_.~-.~""'.:~.