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761511111N<J151UIOIOlol ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB DIV. #4 DISTR'IOTS "'A <f CONTRACT TO ~f,d !- Rd. 'Sc:h. Port ,PUD IFPD I I I 31 L H' 68 Alderbrook Dev. Inc. 1 40 S ~._~ ~1/'7."" .It!.t.l1m1J?(7.,../, "tJ;U[j,A 5 ,f7'(J;. 7""SR /1'1" 3tA MIS I t/ Z ..fl. f:7 ;1......",. ts" ~ ., -J-I f;; $"/. ~4:Jr:7""s-? /~.2f/1Mblk.~&~ddL~. ~/" "J't f 10-15 .~I(O L tL____~ I!/%J.. eJ,S'5618 r4.~ E (j ~. R'r ox. /d /1 ) ___ #7/443 Yu, Filo No. NAME of OWNER SALE PRICE ---- -.--- .-.- . Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I , j Oyster VALUATIONS ~ Y'''I O~rl" -- tK _- 10. __ t/ 1!1- lZ x/ ?3 ~-- NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unlmprond Improved lmpronments (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE .:$(j~ .IY~_ 4'30 9tft) 900' ".,~o /;JSr> ;;}.">'Oll .2.<I!J'" ~5"CO ;;J5'o/1 /;)...~ao /)..stJO /3:150 Co2 UJD 7 '-:'.(JrD r-,...,/~--, 101(400 IA ..7 ---- - -----f-------- ---~ ------f---- -~ ----- - -1-- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. Tract 76 ALDERBROO~ GOLF & YACHT CLUB DIV. #4 -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------- - -------- 7~ - -...