HomeMy WebLinkAbout320165000022 ,... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ANGLE TRACTS 1Y.t LOT Tr. 22 BLK ifF ACREAGE 1312101 /~ Is-I OIC3lo 1:5 1212.1 SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS q/ AFFIDAVIT 'If . YEAR AUD.1I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 7/73 11281867 WD Bessie C.Hale Pembrook Trading 1 02 S 3 5 H L 1136529 Company, Inc. $8250 '/74 ,;2'7 71. <"j.f? ItJ I L 'T_J I 'I '/5'1 3l?S-77.Y ~;t;: . d."7', / ;;~ =h " d ~ -- ---- I' -- - . . . ----_.---- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 72 I 3000 3000 7'/.1 .P. go ,~ I/.....Z__ ~ <;k)o .,3"00 -"'it. 7' ----- -- --~ St1Jnl'Y ,5CJeffS> - -- ----.- 7S SOu/'" ,5>3 S"oao 5t)/'J/J , / _'~'--:".-''''''''''4'lo..;.t" ~ ~ TRACT 22: From the SE cor of said Sec. l6, run N 24030' E.on Sec. line between Sections l5 & l6, l320 ft; thn W 24030' East l320 ft; thn N 24030' East 250'; thn S 480 W 1910'; thn N 420 W a distance of about 288 ft to intersect the Government M.L. on the East side of Hammersley's Inlet which is the place of beginning; thn run South 420 East about 288 ft; thn run S 480 West 200', thn run N 420 West a distance of about 280 ft to intersect the Government M.L.; thn run N 450 East on the Government M.L. about 20l.35 feet to the place of beginning. ~"