HomeMy WebLinkAbout320165000011 po ANGLE TRACTS Tr. 11 & T.L. DESCRIPTION: PLAT LOT BLK 4F ACREAG, .-=? bl.d i liol"l ...-I/1lutol / 1/1 SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS ''f, ' AFFIDAVIT 'iF YEAR AUO. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ 66 /,1216399 Nat'l Bk of Commerce Harold James 1 02 S 3 5 H L /1795 &f;;; 3M 7'17 ~(2 ,/-. , I.. a'O (7 -- I , . ACREAGE VALUATION ! B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED I IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 70 ! 1650 1650 7# . ";0 ,(,5 J, L J;' I,'"'IZ -- _3a.oo 3.3 00 71. $~Olt' ,5's~ 7!? ,- 0 1 .5'56Q R:>. ~5'tJO S.L;"tJo - -..,...... ::;,;,;~,:,;;.- TRACT 11: From the SE corner of said Sec.16 run N 240 30' E. varying on Sec. line between Sections 15 & 16, 1320 feet, thn West 24030' East 1320 ft; thn North 24030' East 250 ft; thn S 480 W 430 ft, thn N 420 W a distance of about 225 feet to intersect the Gov. M.L. on the East side of Hammersley's Inlet which is the place of agn, thn run South 420East about 225 ft, thn S 480 West 110 ft; thn North 420 West a distance of about 225 ft, to intersect the Gov M.L.; thn North 480 East 110 feet on the Gov. M.L. to the place of bgn. ALSO all of the tide lands of both first and second class lying in front of and abutting on the above described tract.