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'1 You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .211 SALE PRICfJ Rd, Ie., Port PUD ~ - <:;? Chester Mathews et ux 2 ...lJ5 J!.. l ~ lL L3 or::. 3<1'7 ...iJu.... I . J. nt 1'.2 r;~ ~ ~~..-/ ~ .;J ~-7 (7... -3 .:2. -4 e_ ~ 1 .7 L -r 4- L LSF Sf .L ;.-h '< J1 3 .,2 I- ILK - - - . - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-~~-7~----~---------------------~-~~-~:~:~------------~~- ,_-.~. " ~= .- ""rr~.... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS t;.,.PI!) Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL OYIlIIr Timber UnImproved Improved ImDrovemanb B.ofE. (BuildIng.) VALUE ~ F S 3D /3~ I 60 5S 500 Soo 30 ;;<t,{) .:290 51 t/ih? loa 5: (10 S-o .50 ;u;. () 360 ILl ';10-0 I, o-i) b-: o-t) ='0 S-o 310 t//o I~i: ~ ~;'J /n?') _~9 Ci 67t1 1ki1. J~CJ totO ..39,0 ...!?'O ~ ~ ~ ~4~ J~CJ 7-7dJ /I~ 17/ ..;, --;.. -7'7-'" ....~- ~' 1'"7!7! , - -+- ~,;.., S/J 1tt 1.I.za, .~ ~' ~o'6?' ..s='/d9 h ..c;-9~ ,6((00 7q , 5.c~1 1!-b()O /L/t,O(J - #-n;,{j ;/00 ,?J.. .5:Y oc/ ~-!?()O , ';<1.:)(1" .;21 SOil . , , .' LOT BlK. ,SEC. TWN, RGE. IJI!. I [I'''' 1'11\ ~ j .,' . - ,- -.' . - ',- . ,- -~ - '-'-'- . "". -, -" -'. . '-.,-' ~. . - --. . . ...~ "---." S!S! N! NW SE _:...~~=.-"~ ~- _ ~ -~- ~~ (O/i~ <J , .,~', ~ y _.- ~- --~~..,.,- ---~ - ~ y.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;, 'f / SALE PRice Rd, ..., Po" PUO FPO 1';2 10')862 Frances F.G1adwin 2 45 A L 2 L L ~'"'7 (I(J,~r, _,If, e.k'",ct2 ., ,. I~ ;L . //'7'/ /? ;t ,<~ dL 202 ...a.. ...2.... ~ /. '1 /19ck2S ,ft.d," , /JIll. t'l<'~~ (b;IL./~ .7-<< .<:_ .1'./ ..L ill 3 ..rZ:... ....6. I...c. H 'B- /,p :l3S'/';I7 Ii?'! Cf,.1 J.t..h/fA/) L) _ I / /l ;/7 '", '--- 9.;;:'<3..? . . !'.<f' :::il<l"Z6'7? 1~-c.L2 , fC. i/ It! / ,77 -/ i/ / - - - - . - - - I-- I-- - - - I-- - - - - - - - ~---. . ... ~-~~-~-_.-----------------------~-~~--~---:-~~-----~-~-----~~~~~~--- ,/;r;;---.~..~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyst.r Timber UnlmlN'Ovld Improved TOTAL Oyst" Timber Unlmprovtd Improved Improvemenb B.oIE. (Building.) VALUE 1 '5'? ,'7 7~.7'1- lye) /20 5.{ (f".:? !>-;/ " /70 /70 05(, /5,.:i" ;/, /60 /00 JL!,. //./9,'i1 '1 I;.; 1:20 /$7CJ , t,1 ~ e::.l /.5?J /50 Z 7~ 7S- ' ' '7t'1 j?$./So /S'CJ ...~ /:5'2; /6'tb I~ f:/ / (Jb 5!i 30c 8'Ot:'J; I~ 300 .3 0 (") Ich ..c::::---- ~ ,.t-- VAl" . - - f . /i~, 1 ,/ /-;'-- < '.-i' "1.. V , lOT BlK. . ; , , . SEC. TWN, RGE. . l r , . . ; " . . '. ,-'--.'. " . ,';..0 ~ ..",.,~..- . ^.pp 5433 All tl of the. 2nd c in front of lot 1 sec 36-23-2 with a frontage of 22.56 Ie measured along ihe ml -'Ex"Sog-Jl:&,-'SMAl" '.; - V" '~~ _.._-~-""'....~~ ~t Ex. Tax 868:~-- $ jL It w .& - E , ., i 1 '.,"" "} i^IIl{ ~).~!:"",.......~=._.._....,.~.~.~,.~-..c.,......---.--~=...=- "",-, " c, --->;:"'-1 ~., -- -- =~..' -. ....-... '... ,