HomeMy WebLinkAbout223361390010 V..r File No. <;2 n -,/ , NAME of OWNER g;~;il~~r~~~~ 171" _ -'-"- L L<.-Y' . ~ '?: -.,/ {l: iJ "'/21 I Q7<l,~ .) \... ,:,-1, :2/>/I/~ 1M". i Ii. ;.::;1. (L., PjrJO J.11MtJ () I I ' 1.177 :;:;>1>//1 1G-I'-<A.r If {r} t~ei:/ f '---. Yea, Oyate, ..52 52- 0;1.-- "'-'1- t:;'t:: /;7 51 i, ';, ; t,;,. Ikg I "1t> ~ 17~ 11'4' /7 ~; BLK: ~. 'WI", ~~'-,,;.,o"':;';:'~' ", NUMBER OF ACRES Tlmbe, Unlmp,oved Improved 7 477 3, 77 .3. 77 /'od (. crt) . #'~' RGE. ~. .. '--- Ii J. / / TOTAL L/,7J t/.7? t/. 77 1f77 - ~-. DISTRICTS ;Z J'-( f Rd. Soh. Po,t PUD FPD - 2 .JJ5....A l 2 L hli /;/1 .. /, , ~ ' J- ~ "'/:;2S-Pis- (dfM I/.."?: I 2.. -'/ --' ',,:( 3-..2....iS..c.. _ .5 75 C , I ~,:" ,//(~,1 !', ~ ~~2.....d..L_~_JJ //g( (r.i!..;i 11 ~.2 /. C. H P/.,.+t,'/oii. r, #-'/-';;b,J,y --- r50UD CONTRACT TO SALE PRICe .. - -- - . VALUATIONS .I. '~ Fr~"'-__= IJ~ Oyster Improvements (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE Timber Unimproved Improved 7 ycJ ,.2 () lJ ').. 'i' 0 /50 ~ ;:<'00 ..3 50 .;j 30 /','1 (l 730 1,,5'0 (pSG 5CJ 650 7 S-o 60 {,t,,S" '7 (, ~ ,t:,< f..95' 960 //(0 6:5' ?.3S" /()/O ~Ep i$CJ' /L~,:i) .,;7~o - /!f?o /6 t;Cp _./ .# .P(f'm ~~ .@~@ ;;i.f>t6CJ- - ~bD 11-J.7-7, ~ .. ..1J.f77Q '10 YO aD e ...cJ 5"0 ~,{J ~~ /w% ._/1 I . ) ~',,,",,,,-..-,, ~~, ,'~,,,,~,,'~,~ ' ",A'_ ".,__~"' rmarly'known as Tr 5 sw~ NEk 0;'..~~,,~,^ ,~~ / 4-11fthat"part ofS;hNt-S, NE lYoing7E of~r.e~jmt cQ.ura~-ot.~s..~-('~ee{~ ex-6p Tract's l,and 4 . / / (Now Tract B of Short Plat #722) All that ptn of the N~ SW NE 36..,23-2W.W.M., lying Ely of the c/l of Mission Crk as it existed S-h41, and Nly of the Nly r/w line of MissioI;l Crk Co. Rd; EXCEPI'ING therefrom the folla.ving described tract: Beginning at the intersection of the Nly i:/w line of Mission Crk Co. Rd and the N line of the SW NE of sd section; th SWly algsd Nly r/w. line 230'; th N 410. 21' 03" W 90' + - to the c/l of Mission erk as it existed August 1, 1941; th NEly alg sd :c/l tap on the N line of tre SW NE of sd section; th N'S50 45' 19'.' E alg sd N line 225' + - to FOB; EXCEPrIN public roads if any. ~':",,:,~~,. L-- ~ -~ I I I I I I I I I .0. .- ... ~ ~. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Veat Oyste, Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyst., limbe, Unlmpro'l'.d Improv.d Impro....m.nts B. of E. (8uildin9$) VALUE Z1- f--. 3.77 /,0'- </77 /5'3/0 3<..J~'?S- t!H't,g- 1ec 60 ?77cJ 30 330 3Jj/() 0 g d.n ..7 {J.e" -{. 17 b25~ J 77/.JTO /07 ( 80 .12 ~~ W..h. Sf? f1 Q. d ..J/ ;-tI- .<"/." 13000 737(,,0 gr:, 760 g!J l56"- , !ill SI '/ (/ (I 1135" ~~" r 6;,U:175 -- - ---- . . .-. --- ------- - ;~ - ~.';.'-'-,; U '. ~.. .~>. I. . .,..,.~,i -. c. . . - "< . - ..