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v., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Soh. Po,t PUO FPD " ClsmlCTS ;:z if ( BALE PRICE! l:;? 13~h76 William T. Brooks et ux 2 .ll3. A I~ 2 L .~ ];;lnar H.. _ ..p ,k... :z..<-~" I}-(] '>2 46908 Kitsap County Bank Johnson etu ~ "''"'- "" ~..,,62:::,.. Cj'l!:l'45:>-""- 5- 1~9"7rJ t~ah/ ~ a~.p.t.nD,f(tD /J ./'] .#.., cd... -<1M. /, <? .dL.;;L.L.. -S.J.?..s.':;:"?:'C5 ;::~ JYY;:;1/:zr;r;; r!? ~'~.J f?'J'~ 'J, p- . If / f?'( ...L!f2J...l1.3 ,2 L c f{ ~;i:.'?~" t? 2cJ.h 9';;::.z (/ t7 / .JJ:J -P 0 _ --' 7~s",,,, 't:/ /j;; 'Jt,t,~i")q ~ -1/ oli'J. ,(J~. I. iP_.J., " ':/ __~___ .,.." 10"". V;; 2/.J.<)3JFft. ..,I/!,,(f.;;I k:"5~R.,j5':i' /1 1/ .."'. ~" ,f7'R-U3 2.'1:.J!;;;:::-h/YA~~)\ )dCO c----- WI:) -1----1-- / 7 I ta;~/~~","l _. ,., ~ _ _' '.',:c<; <" .,..~' '.,~,..... ,.-, ----e---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oyater Tlmbe, >> cc .;;7 l/ I-,/:: /J 7b ,...1.- I~/ l.n 1:W IT; 79 1ft iX'.z. , ,,5 56"t:; LOT BLK. .'0. TWN. ROE. , , Unimproved lmp'oved Timber Unimproved y %.OfJ '7. I? tJ Z<>v /-00 /.<>-tJ JU -':;-0 /r;O {,O '7-5' .;1 / IJ 'I':;" /tW~ 7, UJ /t'0( x', (, ') ) ! ,~. () . 3,7<; 1,00 "I. 7"1 '," " .',' '--... " .. . --- -. ~ ..~. l, _' ~RO Improved Improvemenh (Bulldlngl) B.ofE. VALUE /~j ~ IJ 0 S;;L CJ .570 5'cJ _~;J. ('/ &, Be; 50 71, b J'7S- ~O ~ J~?/p 66 9'~ /G>q-~ j~O iI!~~a _.// j) ~69(1J 1/7'~p $1o:z~ -:::if~dt::J 3~ ~9.5b -,/,.!J&9 ~()9 /..i?~ /o3o(J "l.."7.20 19f!;zo Ie; IJ;)~ IJ::;!(j 3)(~t(: /0300 9::O?J /<;'f''':<o c?15oo .,2/'1751 tI'?7'{5 /77 2u Z/"I9S"3'7 215 as 'ft.,. (;. 'l ~l.'NE!""~~'-:-T'" ,'....."'1< ~ ,-. '"'~~;;:-;;. ..;I .~ All that portion of Nt SW NE Sec 36, Twp 23 N, R 2 W, WM, which lies W of the Co. Rd. and also W of the center of Mission Creek, as said center line exilited on the lst day of Aug. 1941. ..~ c;.;.- . : ..l A. _' P,,-:).36-cr /7 - ')./tc/,z;; ~J , , - _ . ~ T //-$-8z. .L.;9/'1,E r:,J.:>.5.: #J'/-:7-lfJS4-3 /0'r.s/9Y"'~. ~R11j 7?/ 5f'LI//19 F LAN~ ./,l'/4../;.>..~,...jt-)-, ;.. ;;'"j 1~,uI r II Q / ....e:/~-,,- ~/j " ~/&, ~-() -JJ-J , ^ ., ~._j I , .~