HomeMy WebLinkAbout223361300020 r V..r FIl, No. NAME of OWNER 82 120578 Ralph Reneer et ux 'laf. W7'1Jj,. ~7 .fl J Lt., ~A<"-< il&'l, 'fIBoSsD R..&4- ,.~.i:f ,,1 ~, ..~~. -'---.r --~':..:..:::,'------ NUMBER OF ACRES Yur OyIW' Tlmb., Unimproved Improved .6'~ ~ ..5::2 5.':;- lK'/ I t,'/ IlL I/}I, ":?J I-,!:l 1'1/ 1# 17'~ I~ 7(" 4~ ~'FI,.-~~ TW~. , & (; ,c;, t, .&t , b c. ,t.t. RaE. . ,.?~ .=. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;: If 1 Rd. -8ch"_ Po,t PUD FPD SALE PRICE' tic l5I\ 2 .l!2 A'3....... 2 L ~ 4-:fi,2.2..& 2......;L L f.L 5'1 ..L':/.Q.,i.iL3....2.....b...L II- tic. '"- c./O 4c<; 37S" "'0/' ---- -----1- --- TOTAL Oyste, 11mb., UnlmprovlKl , ': 'T '.:".73'0 ' 2___:~~ .~ Co 20 dO ,20 ~ ,t,t:, . ,/'t . b" .~ ;;~ w% I t, h . -- .- _.~':. - , :;,,--- .'l:,~ VALUATIONS Improved Improvements (Building.) B.ofE. VALUE .! nO ;;;J. IJ dSO d. '70 ""0 cJ ~,}-d '/ dO 1/00 5'00 /00 7<;/0 177'0 I~ 9,;)5' !CJ.!i:"'eJ ,:zfj,o /d:..~~ g)/tJe; :) ~~ .13:"'0 'Y/ M """'-:-'- ~ /.I_~_. %"~O ~7B ~f'76' -.{!1-. ~ -r::T ~5rn 3~7!tl g~tPJ 'D- .~ - 0--. 'i '::i oc 3'J7c 'ff'f7v -8-. ~. &. -~,. __A. tract in the Nt SW NE Sec 36, Twp 23 N, R2 W, WM as follows: Begin at th~ NW cor of the. tract .hereby desc and Which point is N 2002l'E843.80 ftand N'59: 58'E'405.90 ft and N 39026' E 232.40 ft from center df saidSec 36; Thn S 47"07'ID along SW margin of pr~vate Road 50.70 ft; Thn S 26024' E 75.l8 ft; Thn S l6024'E 62.l0; Thn S 4053' E 37.02 ft; Thn -S80. 29" 30n w. l52.20 ft. more or less to center line of Missiqn Crk; Thn N 49054' W along center line of said creek, ,90..16 ft, mor~ or less to SE R of W line of Co. Rd; Thn N 37042' E along SE margin of said Rd 209 ft, more or'less to IP 0.659 acres, more or less ..-.~,--~-_._~ ...~- ~ -,~ _-~-C--'C_",",~7""""",<__ .-'.....~_ :.~ ~ ...+-a..e: /~ a.. ~'L. ~~-~--<--<, ""'or '- ('/e.. l)L. StU ,US- 1'z..-. ~ 5/z:-- . I ~..., 1 . NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved I limb., I 1.3.1-_'__1-__ ~" f-_.-- 1-. Improved .1.1. TOTAL I.j ,t,L I ~--- ---~--- ..--- ---.- ~I---- ---.------.--- ---- -----f-- Oyde, _.>-~- - Timber I I I I I Unimproved ~ VALUATIONS Improved -er- IIS()G I I ~. Improvlm.llts\ (aulldln9~) -0- B. of E. VALUE -e- /$$>00 -.//80 0 t I 1.__- :___.==1 .. _ ..- t-- r -;:~"r-File Ne>,'-.I------~.-,.-.-.--NAMe: OWNER --- 7D5...3.!.QA.32L ~:l'-:': Rllth ~ -'/0..0 (,,0 ~ 3/7JL21.L82L . .___ V.:JJ3. .3AJ.459.__. .l.QL1J U.2Q.'5.5..6... 'Q.D~ 3""6P I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;;l Y / id:"-~:l:,?rtPUDJ fPO i I J I ,;' . I 40 A 3 j 2 i Lie i H $6,500 t:: : I :; #560'1'1 11.Q....!'I.,.SgJ.p-Y......srrn ~I_'__j :_",,;:';;;;- -- n.E.=Bama:a'~ Ly-~l---I.- :--~~:~ _--,~.allda...G...~.e.r:.l..',L..e.:t. ,,~I l~n!Lte!L-1 I .. /; flco 2tJ3o /S;:;3o ----6- ---8-- CJ I..c,,'-, ;33eO /93%0 7300 1338d dO ft,go o Po 0 /t)::/bO 17060'; Uroe <;1-1;;2. <; / t :2;15 .- 0 -0 -0 -(f. -4 .-D I..('C" 9"-1.;25 /!,,;J.;2/; ~ --0-- /5!?oCJ ,Jl7.3oa ~ -0- J5F~ HI 1_.- : ._===l I I Year I Vi 1* 17<; ~li _ '71 1'( :-4. J t.r:::ER:F ACRES VALUATIONS Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved, TO,TAL Oyster limb., Unlmprov.d Improved '" " ./;L ,u~ .& !..: ","l \ ,r., B,/ t ':1.1" I ('. cJ x/\-" ;C7-( --" /- ,to 0 tJ .-- _ili ,"" _.!J..L_._ ----- _5iL 91 t:d- Po? Un rr /1$1)0 -e //':;-00 .l,,(;, I '. i I ... .- --~._. ----- -- -..------1-. -----1---- - -----. -- ~ -.' .- i;; .K.. _ .L-... SALE PRICE I -Q Improvements (Building,) ~b"'O B. 01 E. VALUE '''',')'''7''' ./~,,;:", I&~;-; .,