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DISTRICTS ;2 'ir Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 2 M A ..L-\f~ - .2 J,/~.A. ...L.d:. 'f c.... .4iE.2. tt; ...2...d..dL c..- ~1Y.:3. -,L~ ~ . ?<!In,,"/~~;7? ~, Lr/:;~/~ \.1:pstJ, !.r",,-~ You File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO C;? 126212 3. E. 3mi th e t ux 0.3 /.5ClrHs ~//.4) I2c.v d ~ .:-'? I j-fo/!!~ ,. '> u- ~ 0 5 3 " J?' 1)( IvL~ A1h-h' - ~ ;~i- cf,,;r V1 :/ // JA /-. '" . ~-'-^'./ ~.-uJ2.., ...Ji~ c/ /,tI. t,t, ~J/_II.'1 ' Q G.. D_ ., 1,1, / '0/,,, '>'6'4'10'1 f.LtA.tn, ~Lt~A.-<-r/ " ~. '__ ~7~ ~Wbef) g( ( lli..1l:Ll L..1.....c..1f 17'.J )},,, /1 - - SALE PRICE! ~..; ,I. :z5?t.- .;!S3. ___..rJ-" .'- -... NUMBER OF ACRES _-----.: J -. . ."l-" '... ..'......',-- .. ..~... ---;----------------------=~ --~- VALUATIONS Ve., Oylte, Tlmbe, Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oysle, Tlmb.' Unimproved .5:: .=,--- 5 3D "C; 500 Soo .30 1);/ t/. cJ 0 /'&0 ,t:;; 0 cJ 5'0 I- t.l 1/-. IrtJ I en; 50-0 bO I~~ - /.00 I.oa - I ~,!. ~~ 1~1.l 5 :~ 1"7/ I:-ltt J.'" '% , 177 171 ;. ()(; /, cr. '10 , &0 ,1'.2 Improved 50 .5'0 .so h~ /3.zJ ~ t!J{}@' (_ () CJ I.... ill; r 60rJ :?'OOO Improvements (Buildings) ~'P /ro /9d as' LOT BlK. ! SEC. TWN. ROE. QL.7;3~.lI.J ~6~~t)~ B.ofE. VALUE ~ ~ ..2:'<0 ;;<90 c,?'.b- S-O ~o /30 4)50 rj iff} (; dc! (;, 60/) ~oo r?OO() ( J,~~"''7''~ .~,,,,iC * Ex. W. 15 Acres & E 132' ,.'l:l \III!!IO - ,. - -~'!'!:"':''''','~~-, ~"',;=-........_-,-..... ....-