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Ve., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS :2-:;~ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! <;;:> T, H RUl'lrl1e..t1 J.v a./ ~a. 2 20 DI3-L SFP I. 0 /tffl.f% &.. ~ I PallO, 21)'Yn.I};J,^u'f..J 60 1,1'1; rl v tt/dl1. b ___) 0/. Ik.,' /J. 1 " j tJ t,/I/,f7"n t/ / M7, - A,e..., 1o/I/Y/6'7':' 17, ,0 rmV./17A hi /'ff&1'l'ylC/. " hJl~ YJA;eo j.2 l'jf':1$j(j 0.. rvI!.o, 4 '.. ) /I U II h II"-A<,-n;-j VZt).,,7f- -if /,l7~ : .~ --- IF- It, ~/92;Zf .". (/ / / ;>f ~.<74 ,,jJ / ,;2 ~41 ..21-2- = l. II ,I'/~. _"'''-'.....G?G ,~b N'1ztf . ;1 I? i 75 302027 QeD () 'b'- n_ l!UIeL-<J' t<J:./ j) eT~ 1/91 3J..'l0Cl1/ ,;';I;;,~ /l 75 I-- == ff);7 ;7 :!.$Ji'6 IL..,~,,~ '1f'J.I. i II II Jld I ----~~-------------------------------------------~--------------~-------~~~---' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ' " ({:b ~ ~ /:>-~3fJ 3000- V / ~ ;&:3? 6.s~.,)o . ,I>" ;;e /,?Z(;/ - 5>-&>& '~ _ -T7 l,ft?yt. ';:'bQ. #44087 1.41".5/'7670 tp&9S0 Year Oyster ,51 , ':- S1.- .67' l57 Ju. I~ Iii I ''It? I~ 1"51~ 'II; 17l. ~9 11 ? LOT BlK. SEC. TWH. , --',' _TIrob,et il......' Unlmprovat! Improved TOTAL Oyste, Timber Unlmprovat! Improved ImprOYlmenb (Buildings) 8. orE_ VALUE <<cJ 'Ii) IS-V ~OO ~ 300 3ZJ j'i'j .30 .;?3o ---er ~ 300 116 /#0 #!~ ~"7JO ,~?<3LY Vc2~ IIsb 6 '? I{) J>t"76 10 g'1t> Lf~ '5 0 (~!5~D '70,O{) :f,1. ,;'/J 15M 40, &10 -50 () ;j 15: D-7J I~ RGE. /JO /~O 215~ '/tJ 1ac; --= ~~3t9 /~ II!:~ ~;::IO ~G70 to fog/ tJ -?.z3 IJR . ~ 3 (D . H ~ ~~~4.(~ " ... c~r. ~ ,5 'o.fC" '::~.-lc'-c--.;;.,.>,.:""".",~~ '. 1- /,2.8' :J..'J.3 "?.2.. :? -'-.~----......,. -', __ .. ,"-' cO.: _.~-.- .~.~~ > ~~- ~.~. 1 of Short Plat #l94, AF# 308761) , , Beginning at the ~s cnrner of the NE SE 32-23-2W.W.M'.; th If 4015' 28" Walg the E line of sd NE 131.74'; th S 880 18' 25" W 875.00' + - to the centerline of the Tahuya River; th Sly alg sd river to the S line of s1 NE; th N 880 18' 25" E alg the sd S line 760.00' + - to FOB. , -_._'-M_ - ~ ~.-",,"-..c-- -~-,--;-,:..,_'...".- ""'~',~-- '-- --------; --;:;--File NCI -r----~-.--- NAME of OWNER %1 1a1fJ1d) '-7T~ !!J13.3{(,1::<(P~~ m-Mk Jh1 ~HqL-.l~;(~ f,_ fu ~~~'11___~<r<r-- :7S.z.lio296Q...IfA__- %5 i'lft;d.8 +__ --. I .. '-, liltIl!illllR OF ACRES I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS rl i.J ~ SALE PRICE Rd. 15ch. I P?rt PUD I fPD) I () 17 I., ~ 11 .1/J fr 3 L e.11! ~-%2q<J. - 'Zl, . ,. 1f- ., l/.,,~ n .:z Ie. L ., ~, ':'3.;t~~ /~ .... 4 GlClc.Yl 9/ I "'o~ ()~ I" fa ',,!.:;';:;"'-/9'1-C) -::::; V}"..:;. N ,/! f.. L i J~ '7f3:@/ /L. I/.../.. 1J5';%:;z;:r -LJ'_ .,f/fl, ..iL -~- ~..J!.. _,', {.l 7/6'/3 v.C)}!){'\ ~ '. '. .~,J.."..b'. -, -.< - ._~ ~'>'~"{"X~WA1L\1l . .. . . - .... ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS Oyster Tlmbe, I Unimproved Improyed TOTAL I I Order Timber Unimproved I lmpr~....d Improv.m.,.,t. B. of E. (8uildinQs) VALUE ~ -' .1 .;; '< .;; ;l. ~ /7/?CJ6 /. f..nO ,;2.3 C, 00 fd.. 1'7(<() :: /5'-/00 .3~ ~()() .. - . I - -- -~.- ~. -- - ..-- . I ------.... --- ~ - 1._- .. .===1 -- ---- ------ -- -- ---- --- ---- 1----- ~--- -,-- - --- . . --- , .. ~' ....- . ~ .- T,"."-- -.;.. ..4..": , . . -...