HomeMy WebLinkAbout223307500100 ... Yeor - File No. --\--_._-- - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 25b S.6.LE PRICE Rd, $c". I PQrt PUD fPD I 1 -f-,--, - ~~&''''I' 2/74 ~576 David R. Johnson & Weslev L. Slf 3 603 D 3 15 L H 12/7 ~6013 Wesley L. Self et UM I(~ r:Uev . ) M2l26 1----. I ~8UUU I !t!!i 356096 Donald C. Smit e wi" , Jl) "' . 2 ,ef~ ~t.fi!db. #if,; "6/ ;2/71 3j-1/fv/i ) .,.", /:? 1Gi-" , ~ ' 6AH~ ~..1 _<lJ!, ':I d.!j.j __~--,.; %_1. It " J? I I viA' /) .-? 16 ~ II! '" 7~7.P '-".0 . r,--. v--.... 5~ . . . _.- . . ,. roo, I 0".., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ({,.?t~ TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. - (BuildinQ') VALUE n 5 5, 2000 7000 17 ~ 1/.:1560 /aSOf'J 2J .500 -6-' oc) CcJ b 0 00 6000 S" ..J II-(On(} I <(-06 0 - - _. 1-- - --..- I i LOT ILK. , . i SEC. TWN, lSE. , , ~.~.() i'/5DO./~ - ~..- ~'._' "";C'. ~':'" .~".:'.,- ~' ,'. -.~..,:~ ;-"~:';';O~ ..""" (TRACT 10 OF SURVEY 1/180) ;L?>-7- COMMENCING at the NW corner of Section 30,; thence S 0023'56" E along the West I ine of the Northwest quarter of said section, 2092.18' to the point of beginning; thence sontinuing S 0023'56" E, 568.29' to the West quarter corner of said section 30; thence S 89052'39" E along the South I ine of the NWquarter of said section, 276.84'; thence N 20057'05" E, 608.01'; thence N 89052'39" W, 498.21' to the point of beginning. ----- ~---_.-,,--------_._------>- -- . ~__-o-.__~______